Chapter 25: You Are Not Qualified

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Chu Mochen is slapped heavily by Song Yunxuan in the face.

Song Yunxuan's eyebrows are still as immature and tender as that of young girl's, but the mercilessness in the black pupil of her eyes is extremely scary.

"You are not qualified to say that, Chu Mochen."

Song Yunxuan pushes him aside, finding his fingers touching the half of his face that he had just been beaten. Her eyes were cold, saying, "Since you have not gotten her, it means that you do not understand her heart at all. Now that you don't even understand her heart, you're not qualified to comment on her?"

While she is looking at Chu Mochen, and the furiousness in her eyes gradually subsides. "Mr. Chu, Gu Changge is dead. Please don't talk about the dead anymore. Excuse me."

Before Chu Mochen has completely relieved himself from the pain of that slap, Song Yunxuan has taken a deep breath, pulled the door and gotten out.

After a while, Chu Mochen looks up at the door with an odd smile on his face. He murmurs almost inaudibly, "Are you reincarnated in somebody else's body?"

The room is quiet but there is a light laugh of self-mockery.

Song Yunxuan had a tough night. All night long, she had been struggling with the nightmare in which there were car accidents, amputations, and finally, her heart was dug by Shao Tianze's with a knife in his own hand.

When waking up in the middle of the night, she raised his hand to touch her face. Tears instantly wet his fingers.

"Gu Changge..." She calls her name with her fists clenching tightly, and the hatred in her eyes almost turns into an indestructible sharp knife. " Gu Changge, you must revenge! Shao Tianze should be killed! "

She will return all her pains and sufferings to Shao Tianze as well as Gu Changle, the b.i.t.c.h!

In the early morning of the next day, she applies a very thick foundation in front of the mirror to cover up the dark circles and her poor complexion.

When she goes downstairs, Song Yunqiang looks unhappy. "Yunxuan, when did Childe Chu leave yesterday?"

Song Yunxuan glances over Song Yunqiang: "I don't know."

"Hadn't you..."

"I just helped him get to the guest room but didn't sleep with him. How could I know when he left?"

When Song Yunxuan turns around and finds that Song Yunqiang still wants to talk, she can't help but shows a soft smile, "Big brother, if an unmarried daughter of the Song family sleeps in a bed with a sick man without permission, it will be harmful to the honor of the Song family and will be called by outsiders as --- degradation!"


After listening to the last two words, Song Yunqiang almost chokes in his throat, unable to breathe.

Song Yunxuan smiles sweetly and comes to her elder brother. She reaches out to help her elder brother feel better. "Don't be angry, elder brother. I'm only eighteen years old. Whether Childe Chu is serious or he is just flirting, it will take a few more days to see that. As the saying goes, as distance tests a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart."

Of course, what she said is reasonable.

Song Yun ponders for a while before reluctantly returning to the table for breakfast.

Papaya milk on the table makes Song Yunxuan frown. (The papaya milk is said to be good for female's breast enhancement.)

Song Yunqiang and she sit on both sides of the table. She reads some newspapers while eating regardless of the cup of papaya milk. Song Yunqiang frowns, "Yunxuan, you are still growing your body. Drink that cup of milk."

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