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Song Yunxuan does not come out of the room until the next afternoon.

But when she comes out to eat, the servants at home show her more respect. Song Yunying deliberately waits on the sofa in the living room after she comes back to her parent's home.

When talking to his eldest brother, Song Yunqiang, she finds Song Yunxuan go to the dining room. So, she gets up in a haste and follows her with a sarcastic face.

Song Yunqiang wants to stop Song Yunying from pa.s.sing by but in vain.

Song Yunxuan goes to the kitchen. A servant takes her lunch out of the refrigerator and puts it in the microwave oven to warm it up.

With no makeup on her face, Song Yunxuan sits at the dining table, reading the newspaper.

Before she finishes the headlines, Song Yunying pulls a chair out and sits on her opposite. In a delicate voice, she mocks: "Yunxuan, how can you still read the newspaper at this time?"

Song Yunxuan raises her head and glances at her. "Sister, I'm different from you. For my part, there's not much to worry about."

Song Yunying grins and says, "Yes, you seem to be going to marry Chu's family. That kind of grand family is loftier than the Song family. What are you worrying about?"

After that, she annoyedly sighs: "I can't compare with you, but..."

Her eyes turn around, and she smiles. "Xue Tao also can't compare with Childe Chu. Look at your swollen eyes. Did you cry hard last night?"

What she's said really irritates Song Yunxuan who closes the newspaper, staring at Song Yunying in the eyes. "Sister, if you have time, you'd better spend it on thinking about how to live in the future instead of gossiping here. Besides, you are pregnant. You should make good use of your energy to do some antenatal care instead of mocking me up so that your child won't become a playboy who cheats his wife in the future."

Her remarks imply Song Yunying's husband, Xue Tao.

Song Yunying's expression alters. She slaps the table: "Yunxuan, don't always talk to me in terms of Xue Tao. During my pregnancy, I'll endure his cheating behaviors. But you. You lose your virginity before your marriage. Later..."

Song Yunqiang rushes over here. He knows that his sister, Yunying, will speak some nasty words.

In a hurry, he wants to cover his sister's mouth. Unfortunately, Song Yunxuan stands up and pours the whole cup of milk on Song Yunying's face before she finishes saying the whole sentence.

Milk is spilled on her face. The second half of Song Yunying's sentence is choked in her throat. She is on the verge of hysteria.

But Song Yunqiang covers Song Yunying's mouth, preventing her from talking nastily, "Keep calm. Yunxuan is your sister. Do not to talk dirty about her."

Song Yunxuan darts a look at Song Yunqiang, and her face is cold, "Big brother, my sister is not good at speaking. Is it inappropriate for me to do so?"

Song Yunqiang nods hurriedly: "No, it's OK. Your sister does speak mean words. Enjoy your lunch, I'll go with your older sister first."

Song Yunqiang drags Song Yunying away forcibly.

After seeing the two people leave, Song Yunxuan sits down on the chair, with her fingers trembling slightly.

She had not been caught out on this kind of issue in her previous life, even when she was Gu Changge. But now it is because of Chu Mochen that she becomes a joke.

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