Chapter 5 <3

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Mack's POV:
   I woke up in an unusual place. It took me a minute to take in my surroundings but i finally got it. Hayes room. I then felt arms wrap around my waist so i turned my body around.
"Morning Beautiful." He said.
"Ok..I'm in a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and my hair is in a bun. Plus my make up is probably everywhere. Want to rethink that thought?" I asked.
"Nah I'm good." He smiled. I just rolled my eyes.
"So what do you want to do today?" I asked. Hayes grabbed my hand and we both watched as our fingers intertwined.
"I kind of want to go on a walk." Hayes said. I nodded.
"I have to change." I groaned.
"You have clothes here right?" I remembered i still did. I used to bring a buck of clothes and put them in a dresser in his room because i was bed here all the time. I looked in the drawers and found a red long sleeved baseball T thing that said "LOL You're not Nash Grier" and sweatpants that said "Nash" in an infinity sign on the back. I put my hair down to where it was straight and re-did my make up. I went back to Hayes' room.
"Thats all we need. More guys staring at your butt." He said smirking but yet gritting his teeth at the same time. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand pulling him downstairs. We got outside and started walking.
When we were about half way down the street talking, i bumped into someone.
"Oh so-" dang was the kid cute.
"Sorry." I finished.
"It was my fault." He replied.
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"Sam. You?"
"Amber. Uh-" i got cut off by Hayes.
"Well were leaving now." I looked at Hayes in a mean way and continued talking."
"Again I'm really sorry." I said.
"To make up for it can i have your number?" I smiled and put my number in.


I gave Sam his phone back and he checked it.
"Really? These emojis?"
"Uh duh." I said and laughed. Hayes grumbled.
"Ok well i better be going. See ya around?" I asked.
"Sounds good." He looked at Hayes and walked away.
"What was that?" I turned to Hayes.
"Nothing. Just stop flirting with guys when I'm around!" Hayes said half yelling.
"Why?" I said.
"Because i have been wanting to ask you if you will be my girlfriend?" He clamped his mouth shut after he realized what he said.
"What?" He asked.
"I will be your girlfriend."

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