Chapter 8 <3

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Mack's POV:
Cam had his jaw clenched and i just slowly pulled off of Hayes. I was now standing.
"Uh..we were ju-"
"I dont want to hear it. Hayes? Leave."
"No!" I screamed.
"You have made out with plenary of girls! And guess what? This is the first person i have made out with or even kissed. Hayes was my first kiss. And I'm 15. The first kiss you had was when you were like 9!" I screamed.
"Mack." Cam said sternly.
"What ever. I will leave. Cam's an asshole anyways." Hayes said to me. He was about to kiss me but i backed away. He looked at me in confusion.
"What?" He asked.
"No one calls my brother an asshole except for me. You need to leave." I said. I was mad.
"Really? Your choosing him over me?" Hayes asked.
"Uhm..yeah. He's my brother and your just my dumb boyfriend." I said. I didn't mean to say dumb and i immediately covered my mouth when i said it.
"Hayes..." I stepped towards him trying to apologize.
"No. You know what? And your a whore, slut, bitch so i wouldn't be talking you skank!" He yelled. I was now crying just looking at Hayes and cam stepped forward. I pushed cam away so he wouldn't hit Hayes.
"Oh my god. I'm so-" Hayes started to say.
"No. Were done." I choked out and ran pushing past Cam. I ran out of the house and went to my hiding place which was up in a tree by the house. I saw Hayes run out and try and find me. He put his head in his hands and ran home.
"Hello?" Matt answered.
"Matt. I need you." I said crying harder than i have ever cried.
"On my way babe." Matt said. I hung up and tried my best to not fall out of the tree. I sat with my head in my knees crying my eyes out. I heard a car a few minutes later and Matt running out. He was running to my door.
"Matt!" I yelled and he swung around. He saw me and ran to me. I jumped down and he caught me. I cried in his arms and he just held me.
"Let's go to my place." He said.
We drove to his place and when we got there we sat on the couch. We cuddled and it was silent.
"So? What happened?" He asked.
"Hayes..called c-cam an assh-hole and we all g-got in a fight and he called me a-a whore, bitch, and a s-slut." I cried at the thought and saw Matt's fist clench. I cried into his chest and he held me. I felt my phone vibrate so i got it out. Hayes.
Baby please im sorry. Meet me at the park in 10 minutes.
I rolled my eyes and changed his contact: hayes😣😞😔. I continued to lay with Matt and eventually fell asleep.

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