Chapter 14 <3

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Hayes' POV:
I cant believe i put Mack through that. I know it wasn't exactly me but i left her alone when she needed me most. I'm really stupid.
"I-i." Mack couldn't say "i love you" back.
"It's ok. You don't have to." I said disappointed.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"Your mad now. I'm sorry." She said.
"No I'm not mad. Maybe sad but not mad. I just want us back." I replied.
"Friends," she asked hope filled.
"Sure.." I shrugged.

I really didn't want to be friends. I wanted to be more than that. I wanted to kiss her and hug her. I wanted to laugh and cry and yell with her. Guess not though.

Mack's POV:
I can not believe i just friend zoned him. I love him. I truly do its just..i dont even know. I dont know why i didn't say it back. I dont know why i said "friends". I'm stupid.
"I'm gonna go." I said.
"Ok." Hayes said completely dull.
I shrugged and got up. I walked out of his room and into Nash's. I needed to talk.
"Oh hey." Nash said. His shirt was off and he was only in boxer shorts.
"Hey." He greeted me with a hug and he closed his door. We sat on his bed and there was a soothing silence.
"So..i need help." I said looking at Nash.
"Does Hayes know your in here?" Nash asked.
"No. But i need help with him."
"Go ahead." Nash said smiling.
"I friend zoned him." I said. Nash's eyes went wide.
"Why??" He said in a weird way.
"I panicked!" I said yelling while whispering.
" you want to unfriend zone him?"
"Yes." I said looking down.
"Ok..start wearing really skimpy clothes. Like high waist shorts and crop tops with no undershirts. Wear normal make up. Get all over him when you come here to hang out." Nash said.
"Great." I said sarcastically.
"You like him dont you?"
"Yeah." I said.
"You think he's hot?" He asked.
"Uhm..definently." I replied. Nash smiled.
"I'm hotter?" Nash asked.
"Ehh..get a hair cut then maybe." I laughed.
"Shut up." He replied.
"Ok. I'm gonna go change at my house and tell Hayes that i want to hang out." I said running out.

I ran home and changed. White high waisted shorts that cut off just below my butt, a crop top that said "Jack Gilinsky" on it, blue vans. I took my hair out of my the bun it was in and it was left wavy. I redid my makeup and texted Nash. He replied with a winky face. I smiled and noticed my stomach was completely showing.
"Here we go." I whispered to myself.
I ran out of my house and back to Hayes'. I knocked on the door and Hayes answered shirtless.
"Holy shit." We said in unison. We both blushed and Hayes opened the door wider. I walked in and Hayes shut the door. He wrapped his arm around my bottom waist and led me to the couch. We sat, each of us on different sides.
We began to watch tv and i came up with ideas in my head.
"Hayes? I'm cold." I said and he nodded. I shivered and he laughed. He came over and sat right next to me where i was almost on top of him.
"Better?" He asked. I nodded. I leaned my head on him and he smiled. His hand was right above my butt and i grabbed it, intertwining our fingers.
"What about the just friends thing?" He asked. I looked at him. I looked at his lips and lost it.
"Screw the friend thing." I connected our lips and crawled on top of him. He grabbed my waist and i grabbed his face. We kissed and it got heated. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and i gladly accepted. His hands slid up and down my thigh and he accidentally grabbed my butt. We released.
"It was an accident i swear." He said.
"Whatever." I smirked. I kissed his neck and he moaned.
"It wasn't an accident." He said. I laughed and he again grabbed my butt. He flipped us and he kissed my lips. His hands started lifting up my shirt.
"OMG my couch! Thats where i eat and watch tv!!" Nash screeched. We turned towards him.
"I'm just kidding guys. Continue." He said going back upstairs. I looked Hayes in the eyes and he smiled.
"Your beautiful." He said smiling back.
"And your perfect for-" i stopped mid sentence. Tears escaping my eyes. Hayes looked at me worried,
"For what?" He asked.

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