Chapter 10 <3

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Mack's POV:
"Wake up!" I heard right in my ear. I opened my eyes and there was a clown face right in front of me. I screamed and slapped it. I ran and hid in the closet. I heard laughing.
"Mack it's just me." I heard.
"Who's me?" I asked scared to death.
"Taylor." I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door slowly. There stood Taylor Caniff. I smiled and walked out.
"You almost made me pee myself." I said mad.
"Someone's grumpy." He replied.
"Yeah i am. I'm on my period so deal with it." I said.
"I'm glad you didn't pee then." He said and i glared at him. I changed into some sweat pants and a crop top. It showed my stomach.
"You look hot." Tay said.
"And I'm taken." I said. He rolled his eyes and sat down while i put on some makeup. Little bit of foundation, pressed powder, mascara, and nude eyeshadow. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out.
"Let's go." I said nodding towards Taylor. He got up and we walked downstairs.
Hayes, Nash, Stacy, Cameron, Matt, and Ashley were downstairs.
"Hey buggie." Ashley said.
"Hi." I said in a huff.
"Whats wrong babe?" Hayes said laughing.
"This doof scared the poop out of me." I said glaring.
"Does someone need a hug?" Cam asked.
"Shut up asshole." I said to cam.
"Period?" Ashley asked and i nodded. Stacy came up to me and hugged me. I looked at everyone in confusion as she pulled away.
"Its hard being with these wackadoodles when your on your period. Just know I'm here for you." She said laughing and i nodded. She went back and sat with Nash and i sat on Hayes.
"Your cute." Hayes said putting his head in my neck. He kissed my neck and i smiled.
"You are too." I said. I layed back and Hayes held my stomach. By the way, pretty much all the boys had their shirts off. All of them. So i got to see Taylor's abs, my brother's abs, Matt's "abs", and Hayes' "abs". Oh and Nash too. I got up and lifted my shirt a little bit. I looked down at my stomach and everyone was staring at me.
"I wish i had abs." I said frowning.
"Your cute without them." Hayes said. Taylor smirked noticing me staring at his abs. I blushed and turned back to Hayes. I looked up at him and patted his chest.
"Go get me ice cream." I whined.
"Come with me." Hayes said in the same tone. I groaned and grabbed Hayes' keys. He looked at me like i was crazy.
"Le go." I said in a weird voice. He laughed and got up.
"Go put a shirt on." I said pushing him back. He quickly through a bro tank on and we walked out. We got in his red mustang and drove. I turned the music on and this song came on. I knew it but didn't know the name of it.
"Hold up!" I said singing to that part. Then it went into shrillex music and i danced crazily. Hayes laughed at me.
After that song was over another song came on. You and i by one direction. I started singing along.
"You and i
We don't want to be like them
We can make it til the end
Nothing can come between
You and i
Not even the gods above
Could separate the 2 of us
Yeah nothing can come between
You and i." I finished and noticed Hayes was sorta staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Your beautiful." He said smiling. I blushed and kissed his lips softly. We both released and smiled.
We got inside kroger and got a little tub of chocolate chip cookie doe ice cream. Hayes went to get something else so i just went to the line. He met me in the line.
"Where were you?" I asked.
"No where." He smiled. Weird.
We finished up in line. Well i did because Hayes told me to wait in the car. He finally came out and we drove off.
"What did you get?" I asked.
"You'll see." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and left it alone. We got to the house and went inside. Hayes went upstairs and changed. When he got back down he was in his purple button downed shirt, dark jeans, and these weird tennis show things.
I looked at him weird. "What do i need to change Into?" I asked.
"Why do you think you need to change?"
"Cuz your all dressed up and smiling at me." I said.
"Stay in the shirt and just go put on some brown leather boots and light skinny jeans." I nodded and changed upstairs. I let my hair down and it was wavy. I left it how it was and checked my outfit. My stomach showed but i just shrugged. I walked downstairs and Hayes nodded. He held out his hand and i grabbed it. Everyone "awed" and i blushed. We went back in Hayes' mustang and we went to a nice restaurant. When we got inside we sat down at a table that said "Grier".
"Hayes..this is..amazing." I looked around.
"All for you." He said. I blushed and we ordered food. I ordered a ribeye steak and so did Hayes. We also both got Sprite. We got our food and talked.
"So what is all this for?" I asked. The food was amazing.
"You." He said.
"Well duh. But in kroger you were acting weird and now were on a nice date."
"Oh..yeah. Well, when you were getting icecream, i went over to the jewelry shop next to kroger. I got something and came back. I also got something in kroger but it doesn't matter." He showed me a silver ring that the middle turns and it says "always". I felt a tear slip. Hayes smiled and continued. "I saw this and thought of you. At first i was just going to get you a necklace but then i saw this. I thought about it and i know that we have been best friends since like the 1st grade. We started dating 2 months ago and we have only had one "fight" i guess. I know this may be a little much and a little quick..I'm not asking you to marry you i promise. I just want to know if you will keep this ring as a..promise." He finished. I was now crying my eyes out.
"Yes." I choked out. I got the ring and it looked good with my outfit. We finished up our food and left.
We walked right by the car.
"Hayes?" I said. He just pulled me along knowing that we passed the car. Soon i smelled the salty water and felt the wind. We were on the beach. The sun was setting so we just walked.
"I'm not really in the right clothes for this." I said looking at Hayes.
"I know. But i wanted to take you here." Hayes said i nodded and looked down at the ring. Hayes lifted my chin up and kissed me.
We released and i again felt the tears slip.
"Whats wrong?" Hayes asked worried.
"Hayes..i think I'm falling in love." I said.
"Me too." Hayes smiled.
"Please dont hurt me." I said.
"I would never hurt you. Just remember this promise and we will always be together." He said and i nodded. He again placed his lips on mine and i felt like there was an electric shock all throughout my body.

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