Chapter 26 <3

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Mack's POV:
"Matt? Can we run by my house?" I asked.
"Uh sure babe." He said and grabbed his keys. We got into his car and drove to my place. On the way there i got a text from Hayes.

From: hayes...
Hey can we talk?

To: hayes...
Uhm..I guess. Give me 10 minutes and then you can come over.

I got to my house and matthew sat on the couch immediately turning on the tv. I walked upstairs and decided to change. I changed into my new light blue skinny jeans, brown uggs, and my sweater from pink. I put my hair in a ballerina bun and left my make up alone. I walked back downstairs but before i made it all the way I heard people talking.
"Hayes it's not your baby." I heard matt say.
"What are you talking about?" I heard hayes.
"Hi." I came out and hayes opened his arms for me to come to him. I instead went to Matthew and sat with him.
"Babe." Hayes said.
"Im not your babe." I replied.
"I know. Im sorry I should've never left you. I want to raise our baby together." Hayes said.
"Uhm..the baby isn't yours." I stated.
"What?" He choked.
"Well..after you left me I met matt and in his girlfriend now and I set up and appointment and found out there wasn't a baby and me and matt..."
"Okay. I understand." Hayes said.
"Im sorry." I replied.
"It's okay." Hayes stated and walked out. Matthew looked at me and half smiled.
"It's gonna be okay." Matt said.
"I hope so." I replied.
"I need to tell my fans about this though." I said.
"Okay." Matt replied and i set my camera up. Me and matt sat down and he wrapped his arm around me. I started the video.
"Uhm..hey guys this may look really weird. It's because I'm dating Matt now. Uhm..Hayes left me because he found out I was pregnant. Well I called matthew and Matt brought another test just in case. Just keep in mind this all happened last night. I took the second test and it came out negative. I told Matthew and I had already set up an appointment so me and Matthew decided to you know have a baby. Uhm..the tests came out 3 positive and 2 negative. I know you probably all think I'm a whore now or a bitch but i just want to say im Sorry. actually kind of scared now because now I'm not sure if the baby is Matt's or Hayes'. I think I probably should've of taken more tests for hayes just to be sure first but now I don't know. I will let you all know in 3 months the baby's gender. I will try and get DNA of the baby and Matthew and hayes to see which one matches. To be honest right now i don't know who the father is and now that I think about it, it does make me sound like a whore and a bitch and skank. Im sorry to all of you and I will let you know more information as soon as I know. I love you all. Im dating Matt now and I really hope the baby is...uhm..nevermind..bye guys!" I said and shut the camera off. I uploaded the video and got a ton of comments. Most saying "it's okay im here for you" while others say "yeah you're right you're a bitch ass whore". I shut my laptop and cried into Matt's shoulder.
"So you really don't know who's baby it is?" Matt asked
"No.." I said looking down.
"Sorry." I said.
"It's okay." He shrugged.

From: Hayes...
I love you forever and always and if it is my baby hmu😏💜

To: Hayes...
Okay lol love you❤️😂

I think I've got my babe back.

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