Chapter 11 <3

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Mack's POV:
I got a text this morning and it was Matthew. I decided whether or not i should answer or not. Everytime we hang out or talk something ends up going bad. I decided to check it anyways.

From: Matchew💌
Hey. Hang out?

To: Matchew💌

We decided on meeting at the nearest park. I told Hayes i had to leave as we said goodbye. I got home and changed. Long sleeve shirt that said "pink" in black letters on the back, light blues skinny jeans, and my black cowboy boots. I touched up my make up and texted Matthew saying i would be there in 10 minutes.
I started walking and it was freezing. I had my phone in my back pocket and my arms crossed. I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry." I said apologizing. It took me a minute but i then figured out it was Kian, from o2l. I smiled real big and hugged him.
"Your so cold." He said laughing. I had never met Kian but i have always wanted to.
"Haha i know." I replied.
"Whats your name?" He asked.
"Mackenzie. But people call me Mack." I said.
"I'm guessing your a fan?" He asked.
"Ehh i guess so. Cameron Dallas is my brother. I'm going to meet up with Matthew Espinosa and i dating Hayes Grier. I'm not really a crazy fan." I said.
"Your Cam's sister?!" He said.
"Yeah." I looked down. He smiled and hugged me tight.
"I am like freezing." I said.
"Yeah. I can tell."
"Can we have a picture?" I asked.
"Of course Mack." He replied. I blushed and got some random person to take the picture.
On one it was just him holding me and i was snuggled up to him smiling, another was him surprising me by kissing my cheek, and then was me kissing his cheek, then us throwing our heads back in laughter from both of us doing the crab face. The last one was me hugging him and i was off the ground with my legs wrapped around him.
"Thank you." I told the person and they ran off. I thanked Kian.
"No problem beautiful." He said. I blushed.
"I think i better get going. Matt is waiting for me." I said. Kian nodded.
"Wait. Here." He handed me his phone and i put my number in.
I left to the park and saw Matt.
"Hey." I said when i got to him.
"You look happy." He said.
"I am. I met Kian." I said and his eyes went wide.
"Kian!!!" He yelled in the air.
"Shut up!" I yelled. He blushed and quickly shut up. I laughed and went through my pictures. I edited my Kian pictures and made a collage of our heads thrown back in laughter and the one where im smiling and snuggled up next to Kian. I'm pretty much the only one with my head thrown back laughing in that one picture. Kian is just laughing at me. I smiled and posted the collage in instagram.

@kianlawley met this doof😍💞

I tagged him in the picture and got a ton of likes and comments. I noticed Kian followed me and i had over 1 million followers. I smiled and continued to talk with Matthew.
"So why did you want me to come?" I asked.
"Because..i want to say that.." He looked at the ring on my finger. "I love you." He said frowning.
"Who's that from?" He asked.
"Hayes. Were together." I said.
"Oh." Matthew said.
"Yeah.." There was an awkward silence until Matt spoke up.
"I cant do this." He said.
"Hu-" before i could finish i felt lips on mine. My eyes fluttered closed and i thought about what had just happened. I felt a tongue in my mouth fighting for dominance and i pushed Matthew off.
"I'm sorry." He looked down.
"Leave me alone. I have to go." I said.
"Just stop." I continued walking and saw Kian sitting down on the ground outside of the park.
"Kian?" I said crying.
"Mack oh my god." He ran over to me.
"What happened?"he asked.
"Matt..." I cried and he held me.
"Shh its ok." He said. I stopped crying and smiled.

How am i supposed to tell Hayes about this?

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