Chapter 28 <3

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Mack's POV:
"Hayes come here." I said.
"What?" He said coming in my room.
"I don't know i just wanted to talk to you." I said smiling.
"Okay. And did you know that there's a show called 16 and pregnant?" He wiggled his eyes chuckling.
"Shut up. You did this to me." I rolled my eyes smirking.
"I can do it again too." He smirked.
"Uhm..not now." I said widening my eyes.
"Aww babe why not?" He asked.
"Im 6 months pregnant. Do you see this thing?" I pointed to my stomach.
"Sorry." He blushed.
"Whatever." I giggled and he came and sat down with me.
"Whatcha doin?" He asked looking at my computer.
"Buying baby stuff. You're going shopping with me today and also for his clothes when he's born." I said looking at him.
"Okay." He smiled and pecked my lips.
"Alright what about this?" I said looking at a stroller on a website.
"Oh I like that." He said.
"Is it retractable or whatever?" He asked.
"Yep." I said popping the "p".
"Alright let's get it." He replied. I clicked on but and put in my debit card number. I didn't have a credit card since I was only 16. I looked at a bouncy chair and an eating chair for the baby and bought those too. I shut off my lap top and smiled at Hayes.
"I need a shower." I said.
"Same." He replied.
"Well im insecure right now so I'm taking it alone." I said smiling.
"It's okay o won't judge. Besides, I did this to you right?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"True. Dang your a horny kid though." Hayes blushed and I rolled my eyes. We both got in the shower and he washed my stomach, hair, and legs and feet since I couldn't reach them. I just washed his hair and his toned abs.
We got out of the shower and I put my hair in a braid. I put on some sweatpants and one of Hayes' big sweatshirts. He put on a Tshirt and khakis. I put on my converse and he put on vans. He grabbed my hand and we got in my Tahoe. We picked up everything we bought online and then bought a few extra things like bibs, bottles, and toys for the baby boy.
Hayes helped out a lot and I had to buy maternity clothes.
"You okay?" Hayes asked as we got in the car.
"Yeah why?" I asked.
"You had to buy maternity clothes." He smiled.
"Oh yeah pregnant clothes. Downside of being pregnant. And hormones. And birth. So pretty much the only good thing about pregnancy is the baby." I shrugged. Hayes started laughing at me.
"It's not funny. I can beat your ass right now." I said giving him the mom look.
"Hormones and that mom look is hot?"
"Yeah not to the kids it's not and I don't even know if it's the hormones or not babe." I laughed.
We drove home and I immediately Layed down.
"I. Need. Sleep." I groaned.
"Babe.." Hayes whined.
"What?" I asked.
"Can we kiss?" He asked
"What?" I laughed.
"Like a mmmm kiss. Not just a peck kiss." Hayes said shyly.
"Aww come here babe." He crawled on top of me and I pulled him to my lips. We kissed and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He explored and then released. He kissed my neck and i moaned. I pushed him away.
"Not now. Plus I'm only 16. Let's wait 2 years until im finished with school until we you know again." I said.
"About dropping out of school and moving to LA with Nash, Cam, Matthew, Taylor, the Jacks, Ashley, and I wanted to know if you would come too?" He asked. I sat there in shock not sure what to say.
"Yeah?" He asked looking into my eyes.

Cliff hanger!😏
Should I start doing authors notes? None of my readers comment or are active and im unsure what to do😬

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