Chapter 31 <3

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Mack's POV:
Everyone decided to sleepover at my house so we all set down blankets and curled up by each other. Some of the boys thought it was weird and refused to sleep with each other at first, but then they gave in.
"We need to pack tomorrow. We have 1 more day after tonight." Hayes whispered to me.
"Okay." I smiled and snuggled into him. I fell asleep quickly to hayes' warmth.

I woke up and everyone was asleep. I went upstairs and started packing up my room and baby stuff.
I had finished almost all of my room when hayes walked in.
"Want some help?" He asked.
"I guess." I shrugged and we finished packing. It took us awhile though because hayes kept throwing stuff and laughing and not focusing. He finally listened when I yelled at him with a mom voice. He got scared and put his head down. I laughed and continued packing.
"Yes we're done!" Hayes yelled as we packed up the last boxes.
"Not quite. We still have your stuff to pack." I said.
"No because I packed mine early. So did the others." Hayes replied.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes laughing.

We went downstairs and taylor, cam, ashley, matthew, and Jack g was awake. Nash, shawn, Jack j, and aaron were still sleeping.
"Wake up!" I screamed and everyone jumped up.
"Haha i gotchu." I said smirking. I sat down and everyone looked at us like me and hayes were crazy.
"What?" I asked.
"Uhm pack?" Nash said.
"Uhm..done maybe?" I said.
"The sass is real." Jack j said. I flipped him off and his jaw dropped and he gasped dramatically. I laughed and so did everyone else.
"So are we doing anything today?" I asked.
"Not planned." Hayes laughed. I heard a scream and a frantic voice on the phone.
"Everyone in the car! Ashley's having the baby!" Cam yelled. They came running downstairs while the rest of us ran into 2 different cars. Cam, ashley, me, hayes, taylor, and matthew in one and in the other was Jack and Jack, nash, aaron, and shawn.
We got to the hospital and they only allowed cam in the room with Ashley. I completely understand it's just I'm technically the God mother.
They were in the room for over 2 hours and all of us were still waiting.
"What time is it?" I groaned.
"5pm." Taylor responded on his phone. We all groaned and stayed on our phones the whole time.
"Alright screw this shit im going to check on her." I said standing up. Hayes tried to pull me back but i yanked my arm away. I went to the room and knocked roughly. The doctor came and answered.
"Yes?" He asked rudely.
"Uhm..where's my friend and her baby?" I asked.
"Well..she just had the baby. We're just now cleaning the baby up and yeah." He said.
"Well okay den." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes and I pulled him close and whispered in his ear.
"Don't mess with a pregnant women." I said and kicked him in his man cave. He groaned and I flipped him off walking away.
I got back to hayes and told everyone what's going on.

*2 hours later*
We finally got home and we get to bring the baby back tomorrow before we leave.
"Guys it's 11pm so im gonna go to sleep. What time are we leaving?" I asked.
"We're leaving at 9am so be ready by 8." Cam replied. I gave him a thumbs up and walked up to my room. Hayes followed and layed down with me. I fell asleep quickly and got a pain in the middle of the night. I got up and went to the bathroom. I threw up multiple times and hayes came and pulled my hair back. He rubbed my back and hummed.
I finished and brushed my teeth. I smiled at hayes and we fell back asleep in my bed.

Last ones:
Jack j-

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