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"Everyone, keep your heads down. We're taking the ghetto route today, and we don't want no casualties."

"He says the same thing every time, but it never gets old." After the third time of being here, that one liner has only gotten funnier.

Welcome back to Rose's personal life shoved into digital online pages. This could be considered a "sequel" to Love Me So I Don't Have To. If you wanna ignore the fact I'm an actual person and pretend that I'm a fictional character and only that, go ahead.

You know how they say, "I'm about to start the next chapter of my life?" Yeah, that. This is the next chapter for me but in book form for you to read and judge. This is the next chapter for me to keep my head down during so I don't have any casualties this time around.

If you just found this book and never even heard of the first one, it's okay. You're not missing much. Hell, who am I kidding? No one is going to read this. Just like no one read the first book, but I'm going to pretend that someone might. I'll pretend to make myself feel better.

Just like this book's predecessor, the title has a meaning that I will get to at the end of this phase of my life. It may take a lot longer, but I promise I'll get there. I won't leave and abandon this book. It may seem like I have at times, but I promise I'm still here.

Now, strap in, kids, because I've got a lot to catch you up on.

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