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"Well, that's just another person to add to the 'granted' playlist."

I'm tired of making new friends. I'm tired of having friends. It's like I keep choosing the wrong ones. For a while now, most of them have lied to me, turned on me, backstabbed me, hurt me. Clara spilled my biggest secret and lied to me about it. Cam abandoned me and never tried to put effort into fixing our relationship. Kaitlyn turned on me just because I didn't agree with her choice of a boyfriend.

Kaitlyn had been the most recent of friendships to end. Most recent as in the past week, roughly. Her, K, and I were the Golden Trio for a while. It was the three of us doing our thing. We were all close friends who supported each other and were there for each other. We were always there to help each other make good choices for themselves.

Kaitlyn is 23 and has a one-year-old daughter. I love her daughter to death. She is such a goofy little brat of a child. She's so smart for her age. She's amazing. Her mother was a great mom and a great friend. Her baby daddy and his family were always an issue, though. Her mother-in-law was fighting for custody for the child, claiming Kaitlyn was an unfit mother. The issue was taken to court. K and I went, ready to give our testimonies if it would help Kaitlyn keep her baby. She deserved to keep her daughter, at the time. In the end, Kaitlyn kept custody. The dad still had very few rights. The mother-in-law was only allowed visitation.

After court, the three of us went to the house of Kaitlyn's friend to go and celebrate the win. There, Kaitlyn met a guy named Jojo. K knew him very well. He's a known pedophile. K has had her own experiences with him that she, reasonably, holds against him. He has a child, or two, with K's cousin. K's cousin has even said she doesn't let her daughter that she had with him stay the night with him unless she is there because she doesn't trust him.

Kaitlyn somehow gained interest in him. At the time, he had a girlfriend, Nicole. Mind you, Jojo is in his 30s. Nicole is about 17. Nicole ended up manipulating a man to unknowingly run Jojo over with a truck after she found out he was cheating on her with Kaitlyn. This was less than a month ago if I remember correctly. Recently, Nicole came out about being pregnant and it being his child. He already has four kids running around this county. 

This man has given me and K bad vibes from the beginning. Even before I knew of his history, I didn't like him. The more I was around him, the less I liked him. Kaitlyn would always bitch about how he would talk shit about K and how she had to keep sticking up for her. She always bitched about how he would always have a lot of people over partying when she just wants to spend time with only him. She constantly complained about some new fight they got into. She told me they were just a fling. She told me that she doesn't want her daughter around him a lot in case the relationship they have ended. The day we stopped being friends, she told me their relationship wasn't serious. Hours later while we were screaming in each other's faces, she said "that was before I knew it was going to be forever."

K and I were never afraid to let Kaitlyn and Jojo and everyone else know how we felt about the relationship and Jojo as a person. To me, he's a good-for-nothing, ghetto, piece of shit pedophile who offers nothing to Kaitlyn or her daughter. He mooches off of Kaitlyn and her money, just like how she said her abusive baby daddy did. He has no job and no place of his own. He thinks he's better than everyone else just because he would never hit a woman. I hate this guy.

Kaitlyn was a great person until she got with him. Since being with him, there's only been conflict. They asked how we felt about their relationship. She asked how we felt about him. She said our opinions mattered. She said she trusts us. She had said so many things, yet she meant very little of it.

The day we stopped being friends, we had hung out at the river with two good friends, Aaron and Robert. We were just hanging out and drinking. We were all having fun. When we first met up with her, she was telling us about how she and her boyfriend got into a fight. If I'm not mistaken, it was something about just going to the river with us. She was ranting. Eventually, she stopped when we got to the river. After a bit, she asked for advice, saying she thought she might have broken up with him earlier in the day. Kaitlyn said she was going to get her stuff from his friend's place that he was staying at. That consisted of a toothbrush, headphones, and underwear.

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