Chapter 14: Big Break

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"Wait a minute! Am I hearing you right," Kevin said to Mrs. Waters, Mad House's gallery owner. "Y'all gon' have my work in the same room as Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, aaand A. A. Lafaye?"

Mrs. Waters laughed. "Yes. Just to name a few." Kevin was overcome with joy. "I---I can hardly believe it."

"And why is that," she asked, her face a bit more serious now."

"I'm sure you heard that I was blackballed by like every major gallery out here, because of some foolishness. I thought I was done, and to be honest my self-esteem as an artist took a hit, but to look up now and see that I've been given a chance as great as this one is---is---unreal."

Her face softened just a bit. "Yes, well, my husband and I found that your natural talent and pure artistic gift trumps that of an audio recording." Kevin's eyes grew wide. He figured they might have known, but didn't expect it to be mentioned. It caught him by surprise. Noticing his reaction Mrs. Waters smiled and winked at him. Kevin and I both laughed. "We figured that we would be fools to pass up on an opportunity to showcase real talent, because of something so trivial." She grabbed ahold of Kevin's hand. "Listen dear, it was unfair of those folks to penalize you for what goes on behind closed doors in your home. That should have never happened, but I'm not sorry," she smiled, "because then you wouldn't be here in my office and that would have been a great loss to us. When those other art galleries see what kind of show we are going to curate here in the next few months they are going to gag," she laughed. "You mark my words Mr. Davis, you are going places and we're going to ensure that you get to enjoy all the perks."

Kevin looked at me and then back at Mrs. Waters. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He was truly overjoyed. "Wow. Thank you so much. I really don't know what to say. This is amazing."

"Well, Mr. Davis," Mrs. Waters started, "you don't have to say anything," she smiled. "Meeting you has been more than enough." She stood up from her desk. "It's been a pleasure." Kevin followed suit and stood up. He extended his hand to hers. "Likewise Mrs. Waters." The two shook hands and then headed for the door. I stood up and followed behind them. I was so happy that Kevin was finally getting his big break.

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