Chapter 21: Finally

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After spending some time getting to know Kevin's sister, Ashley, and their cousin Del, I excused myself to go find Kevin. I asked around and was told that he was on the back porch with Hosea and Alex, his two older brothers. I opened the heavy, glass door and stepped outside. They all looked back when they heard movement behind them. Before Kevin or I could say anything, The eldest brother, Hosea, spoke up first.
   "Ah," he grinned, "So, you're Alyssa. I was beginning to think that you were a myth," he teased. He stood up to hug me. "How you doin' lil sis? I'm Hosea."
"Hi. It's so good to finally meet you," I said opening my arms up to him. "You'll have to excuse my belly," I laughed. "She's getting bigger by the minute."
   "Ah. I ain't worried about it," he grinned. It's nice to finally meet the woman my brother's been talking about."
   "Yeah," Alex said walking over to me, "we kept asking him when he was gonna bring you home." Alex gave me a big hug. "He just kept saying soon." I laughed as we pulled away.
   "Well I am so glad he didn't disappoint," I said placing my hand on my belly. "It's been really nice meeting everyone." Kevin walked up to me and grabbed ahold of my hand with every intention on cutting the conversation short.
"I hate to break this up, but I need to talk to Lys real quick. I'll catch up with y'all in a bit," he said guiding me away from the patio.
"Kev, what's up," I whispered as we walked back into the house.
   "I'll tell you in a sec," he said pulling me up the steps."
I wondered what was so important that it couldn't wait until later. All of the major stuff in Kevin's life that we had been waiting for has already happened. He was in a good place now.
   "Whew. I need to sit down," I said when we got to his bedroom. "You were moving so fast."
   "I'm sorry. I got some really important news to share and I want you to be the first to hear it."
   "Okay," I said rubbing my belly, "what's up." Kevin sat down beside me.
   "I know I haven't talked about this in a while, but you remember when I found out that I was adopted and that I have a twin brother?"
   "Yeah. It was a lot going on during that time."
   "Well, I talked to my mom earlier and she told me that she managed to get in contact with my twin brother. He's in town and he wants to meet up."
   "Oh my goodness. What!" I said excitedly. "Are you kidding? Oh my goodness," I squealed.
Kevin smiled. "I know right! I couldn't believe it either."
"So when are y'all planning to meet?"
"Sunday at noon."
"But what about your mom's party?"
"We'll be back in time. It's not until two. My mom said it was okay to bring him to the party if he's okay with it. So if it all goes well you might be meeting him soon."
Unable to contain my joy I threw my arms around Kevin's neck. "I am so happy for you," I grinned.
"Thanks baby. I hope everything works out."
"Oh. It will."
Kevin gave me a quizzical look and then smiled at me. "What? Just call it a hunch," I winked.

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