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A year later...

"Lys You look beautiful," Janelle said as she fluffed out my wedding gown. I looked in the mirror and fought back tears.
"You know she's right," Keyona said walking across the room towards her. "I have something for you." Keyona held out a small, blue Tiffany's bag. I was surprised.
"Key is that—?" Keyona nodded her head yes. "Where'd you find it?"
"In your closet when we were helping you move."
"But that was a few months ago."
"I know. I took it home with me so I could give it to you today. I know that ma broke your heart, but I also know that you loved her and always dreamed of having her here on your wedding day." Tears were standing in my eyes. "So, as your older sister, I will present it to you." Keyona dug her hand into the bag and pulled out a small box. When she opened it she revealed a mini, 18 karat diamond tiara. It was the exact one that I wanted for my sixteenth birthday. My mom refused to get it for me then and told me that I would appreciate it more when I got older. Looks like she was right.
"May I," Keyona asked holding up the tiara. I couldn't speak, so I just nodded my head yes. As she placed the tiara on my head, I could hear Dominique and Mya walk into the room laughing. "Lys, someone's ready to see you," Mya said cheerfully. I turned around and looked at my beautiful baby girl, Imari Noelle Davis.
"Hi honey," I said taking her out of Mya's arms. Imari's face lit up as her arm's flailed about. "Are you ready to see mommy and daddy get married?" She made babbling noises and smiled.
"I know I am," Rita said coming into the room. I was so happy to see her.
"Hey ma," I grinned. "You look beautiful."
"As do you," she gushed. She grabbed ahold of my arm. "Now listen. I just wanted to pop in really quickly to tell you that first and foremost baby, you are absolutely stunning and I'm not just talking about your gown," she winked. "I am so happy that you are the one Kevin is choosing to spend the rest of his life with. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter-in-law. Getting to know you over the past year has been everything and I can honestly say that I love you like one of my own." I was speechless.
"Wow. I-I don't even know what to say," I said dabbing under my eyes. "Thank you. That means so much to me." I leaned in and gave her a hug. "I love you."
"And I love you."
"And I love you too sis," I heard Ashley say from a short distance away. She walked over to us.
"Oh my goodness! Ash! What are you doing back here?" I pulled her into a hug.
"Getting a sneak preview of the bride," she smiled. "You look amazing!"
"Aw. Thanks boo. So do you. Remind me to raid your closet the next time I come over. Specifically for that dress," I laughed.
"Knock knock." It was the wedding coordinator, Zena. She peeked her head into the room. "We got five minutes ladies. I need everyone in their places.
"Well that's my cue," Ashley said turning to leave. "See you out there hot stuff."
I laughed. "See ya Ash!" I turned to Mya. "Yaya can you take Imari out to little Mikey for me, please?" He was our twelve year old cousin. He was tasked with carrying Imari down the isle behind the flower girl who was my niece, Faith.
"Yes," she said moving quickly. Mya took Imari from me and quickly headed out into the hallway.
"Three minutes ladies," Zena called out. I looked myself over in the mirror one final time.
"You look gorgeous," Dominique said walking over to me.
"Thanks Dom. You do too." I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"You ready," Dominique asked.
I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes. Let's do this."
When I exited the bridal suite after my bridesmaids and maid of honor, I was greeted by both of my dads, Aimé and Dominic. When they saw me they marveled at how stunning I looked.
"Baby girl, you are a vision in white," Aimé grinned. "You truly look like the princess I always believed you were."
"Aw. That's so sweet. Thanks daddy," I said kissing him on the cheek.
"I think I have to agree with your father. You look absolutely beautiful."
I smiled at Dominic. "Thanks dad," I said giving him a quick hug. Dominic hearing me call him dad for the first time brought tears to his eyes. He grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Okay. You're up next," Zena said to me from the door. "Get ready."
I took a deep breath as both of my dad's stood on either side of me. "Um. Before we go down the isle," I said turning to face my dad's, "I just wanna say how honored and blessed I am to have two amazing fathers like the both of you. I love you guys so much. I really do."
"Honey, Dominic and I are both extremely proud of you. We love you too sweetheart."
"That's right mi amour," he smiled. The two men who I cherished above so many others in my life, wrapped me in a quick, but warm embrace. They both kissed my cheek and held out their arm for me to take.
"Okay you three. Come stand by the door," Zena motioned. "The doors are opening in 3, 2, 1."
When we heard the beginning notes of Eric Benét's "Spend My Life With You" we began to take the long walk down the aisle together. The moment Kevin saw me at the back entrance his eyes lit up and mines got misty.
"Wow," Kevin mouthed, "You look beautiful." Although we were so far part, knowing how he felt about me still made me blush. I couldn't believe that this was really happening. When we got to the end of the isle the preacher asked, "Who gives away this bride?"
"We do," Aimé and Dominic said in unison, then they each hugged me and gave me away to Kevin.
I stood before Kevin and our guess extremely grateful for how far we both had come. Standing in front of him felt like I was standing in front of my forever. One look at him and I knew that my best days were in front of me and that my worst days were behind me. When we finally said 'I do' Kevin took me in his arms and kissed me as if it was just us, alone, in an empty room. During our first dance at the reception Kevin and I were on cloud nine. "So, Mrs. Davis," Kevin smiled in my ear, "What do you say we ditch the party early and go make baby number two. It could be our little secret." I grinned at his comment and looked at the people watching us. As we swayed side to side I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me so I could whisper a secret of my own. "Well I'm glad you're ready for another baby Mr. Davis, because we're already pregnant with number two." The sheer look of glee on his face was priceless. He picked me up and spun me around and then we laughed uncontrollably in each others arms. Everything about this very moment made my journey with Kevin worth it.
Hey y'all! This is the end of the story! OMG! I can't believe it. Thank you guys so much for sticking around and continually showing this story your support. I appreciate y'all so much! I do believe that this is the end of Kevin & Alyssa. However, if anything changes I will keep you guys posted. I am currently in the process of writing and creating more stories so, if y'all feel like putting up with more of my shenanigans y'all know where to find me, lol. Again, thank you guys so much for rocking with me and reading my stories. It means the world.

Peace and blessings! 🙏🏾❤️
-Lex 🖤🥰

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