Chapter 18: All In

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     "Alright baby. How do I look," I said walking out into the living room. Kevin took my hand in his and spun me around. "Damn baby. You look gorgeous," he smiled. "I can't wait to take that dress off of you when you come home." One look at Kevin and I was cracking up laughing. "I really can't stand you," I said playfully hitting his chest. When I got myself together I turned to the mirror behind me and gave myself a once over. "Baby you sure I look good? Nothing's out of place?" Kevin walked around me and stood in front of the mirror. "Lys. I promise you, you are it, baby. You look stunning."
"Thank you," I smiled."
"Don't sweat it. I'm just telling you the truth," he grinned.
"Now," he said grabbing me by my waist, "give me a kiss before you go. I need something to hold me over till later." Kevin and I shared a long kiss goodbye before he walked me to my car. "I love you baby. Have a good time tonight." I gave him one last kiss. "I'll do my best."
     I walked into the restaurant and scanned the room for Dominic. A tall, blonde hostess approached me. "Good evening. Welcome to Cuisine de Guenièvre. How can I help you?"
I smiled politely. "Hi. I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. His name is Dominic Moreno. He made reservations. Could you check to see if he's here yet?"
"Of course," she smiled, "just give me one second to check that out for you." She walked back over to the desk and scanned the computer screen. "Oh. There he is," she said almost to herself. "Ms. James, if you could just follow me right this way I will take you to your seat."
   "Great. Thank you so much."
     When I got to the table Dominic stood up to greet me. "Alyssa. Hi," he said reaching out to hug me.
"Hey Dominic!" I said hugging him back.
"It's so good to see you. You look beautiful."
By the look in his eyes I could tell that his complement was sincere. "Aw, thank you," I said graciously as I made my way towards my seat. Dominic pulled out my chair so I could sit down.
"So Alyssa what's new?" Dominic asked as he made himself comfortable in his seat.
"Well. I'm pregnant. Again," I grinned. "We can start there." Dominic's eyes grew wide with glee. "What! No," he gasped, "You're barely showing! Oh my goodness!" He laughed then I laughed. Dominic stood up to give me another hug. "Congratulations mija! I'm so excited for you! Voy a ser un abuelo!" I loved seeing Dominic's joy. It had a calming effect on me.
"Thank you," I beamed. "So Dominic, what's new with you? Where have you been hiding papíto?" I grinned.
He sat up and leaned forward in his seat, a smile plastered on his face. "I'll get into all of that in a bit, but before I do I have a confession to make."
   "Okay," I said nodding my head slowly.
   "I have a surprise for you."
"What kind of surprise," I said covering and uncovering my face, "I'm nervous," I said giddily.
"You don't have anything to be nervous about. I promise," he smiled.
"Okay," I said sitting on my hands. Dominic waved his hand in the air and motioned for someone to come to our table. I turned around to see who was behind me. My eyes widened as a beautiful, brown skin girl, about eighteen, walked towards our table. I recognized her instantly.
"Alyssa," Dominic started, "this is your sister, Dominique."
"Oh my goodness! I didn't know that when you said you had a surprise for me that you meant my sister. Omg. Hi," I said as I got up to greet her. I opened my arms and gave her a hug. "It is so nice to finally meet you. I'm Alyssa." I felt my eyes getting misty. I let her go to look at her again. "You are so beautiful! I can't believe I'm looking at you in person. Oh my goodness! Hi!" I smiled.
"Hey," she said barely getting the word out. There were tears standing in her eyes. "I am so happy to finally meet you. You're beautiful too," she gushed. "Can I hug you again?" We laughed.
"Of course," I said before wrapping her in a hug. We stood there for what felt like forever. I'm sure some of the guest were staring at us. After a few seconds we released each other from our embrace and sat down. I took my cloth napkin and dabbed under my eyes. Dominic looked between Dominque and I. He smiled. I could tell this moment really warmed his heart.
"Alyssa," he started, "this is why I haven't been in contact with you. I was in Belize trying to set this all up. I hope you're not too mad," he smiled.
"Oh my goodness. Dominic, please understand that with a surprise like this there is no way I could be upset with you."
"Good. I was hoping you'd say that," he smiled. I playfully hit his shoulder and laughed.
When Dominique and I sat down Dominic stood up. I looked up at him and gave him a quizzical look. He picked up on it and said "I'm just going to the bathroom."
"Oh. I was about to say," I laughed, 'don't leave. I still wanna talk to you too.'" He smiled down at me.
"I wouldn't do you like that. We still have a lot to catch up on," he winked. I smiled. When Dominic whisked away to the restroom Dominique and I quickly struck up a conversation. We both had so much to ask each other. Talking to her felt like talking to an old friend. She was definitely kindred.
When I returned home later that night Kevin was asleep on the couch. I quietly took off my shoes and tipped-toed back into the bedroom. I changed into a comfy, oversized sweatshirt and walked back into the living room. "Kevin," I whispered in his ear and then kissed him on the cheek. "Kevin." He slowly began to stir and open his eyes. "What time is it," he mumbled.
"It's after nine o'clock old man," I teased. He gave me a sleepy smile and asked gruffly, "How was it? Did you have a good time?" Then he sat up and stretched.
"Oh my goodness," I cheesed, "Babe. The best time!"
"Look at you," he grinned, "you can't even stop smiling." Kevin looked at me and smiled. "A'ight baby," he said a little hoarsely, "the suspense is killing me," he joked, "you gotta tell me about your night."
I laughed, but when I opened my mouth I could feel the tears form. "I met my sister. Dominic brought her here from Belize." I choked back tears. Kevin held my hand. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked in a hushed tone.
I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just happy." I wiped my tears and smiled. "I didn't know when we'd actually meet, but the moment I laid my eyes on her I was just so overwhelmed with joy. We both were." I sighed contently. "She's beautiful Kevin. She looks like Dominic. I'm just," I sniveled, "so glad I finally got to meet her in person." Kevin leaned in and kissed the side of my forehead. "I'm happy for you Lys. I can't wait to meet her."
"Thanks Kevin," I said just before he took his thumb and gently wiped away the tears that still lingered. He smiled. "Let's go to bed. We gotta be well rested if we gonna be looking in Oliver's face tomorrow morning." He pulled me up from the couch.
"Ugh, way to dampen the mood," I teased. Kevin playfully swatted me away. I led the way back to our bedroom.
"I can think of a few ways to fix that," he grinned as his hands snaked their way around my waist.
"Ya know," I said jokingly, "Sometimes I think you forget that I'm already pregnant." I turned to look at Kevin and we laughed.
"I ain't appreciate how you just tried to come for me," he grinned.
"Why? Isn't that what you wanted?" I teased. Kevin pulled the covers back and laughed.
"Ayo," he grinned, "get in the bed." I chuckled to myself and got in the bed beside him. "You so bossy," I teased. He grinned at me and responded with only a gentle kiss to my forehead. Turning away for a second, he turned out the lights. The room now dark, his hands found me patiently waiting for him. He pulled my body closer to his and I smiled quietly to myself. "No matter what," he whispered in my ear, "I'm all in." It was those words that reassured me that everything would be okay.

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