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(I don't own Sons of Anarchy)

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(I don't own Sons of Anarchy)


The sun had only been up for a few hours, yet Gemma found herself sitting at her kitchen table smoking her way through a pack of cigarettes. All she could seem to focus on was that stupid junkie bitch that almost killed her only grandson. That dumb cunt couldn't even kill herself, even with Gemma handing it to her on a silver platter. The fact that Amelia was in town also didn't help ease Gemma's mind. This whole situation was bound to cause another shit storm.

"Morning babe." Clay's voice was gruff as he kissed the top of Gemma's head. The sound of the wood floors creaking pulled Gemma from her thoughts, heavy footsteps grew closer towards her. Gemma quickly put out her cigarette.

"Morning baby." She smiled up at his tall figure. Gemma watched Clay retreat into the kitchen she could hear him opening and closing cabinets. He returned a few seconds later with a coffee cup in his large hand and took his place at the head of the table.

"I'm gonna go visit the dope-fiends sister today." Gemma lit up another cigarette as she spoke. She kept her dark eyes on Clay waiting for his reaction. She knew he wouldn't be to pleased with her. He didn't want anymore bullshit on top of the bullshit he already had to deal with.

"Jesus, Gem." He sighed in frustration. "I don't need any more bullshit drama, the club doesn't need it either."

"I know, baby." Gemma spoke softly. She placed a hand on his, her dark intense eyes stared into his equally intense blue ones. "I need to make sure she's not here to cause any unnecessary distractions." Clay nodded in agreement,

"Jax isn't gonna be happy with you." Clay spoke. Gemma pushed her chair back from the table and walked the short distance to her husband.

"I'll deal with Jax." She gave Clay's lips a kiss goodbye and made her way towards the door.


Gemma pulled her black Cadillac up to the curb of the small brick house. She pulled her oversized sunglasses down to her nose, staring at the once immaculate landscape now an overgrown jungle made her laugh. Gemma was sure if Wendy and Amelia's mother saw the house now she'd have a heart attack. She always was an uppity bitch.

Gemma pushed her sunglasses back up and got out of the car. She made the short walk up the driveway to the front door, she knocked loudly tapping her boot impatient, while waiting. It was silent outside as she waited, expect for a few chirping birds or the few stray cars that drove past. Gemma knocked again, louder this time growing more impatient. She could hear someone moving around inside, she heard a few choice words being said before the door opened.

Gemma didn't even bother with a 'hello' before walking right in. She looked around the house, the inside fared much better than the outside, though Gemma was certain that was Amelia's doing.

"So, the druggie's sister makes her return." Gemma smirked. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it not even caring to ask if it was ok. Gemma didn't hate Amelia. She hated the way she left, but in a way Gemma understood why she did.

"I'm not here to cause drama, Gemma." Amelia said tiredly, "I'm just here until Wendy goes into a rehab." She said holding back a yawn. If Amelia was shocked to see her she didn't show it. Gemma eyed Amelia as she sat down on the worn couch, and pull out a cigarette from the half empty pack on the coffee table. She studied the brunette, looking for any hint of deception. Once realizing there was none, she sat down on the empty side of the couch.

"You plan on seeing Ope while you're here? Or are you gonna leave without a word again?" She wasted no time, she wasn't here for small talk. Gemma was actually surprised Opie hadn't found out Amelia was back in town yet. Charming was a small town and news travelled fast. Especially something like this. Gemma could see Amelia's face drop at her hash words, but quickly regain her composure.

"I left him a letter with my reasons for leaving." Amelia spoke matter of fact. Her tone of voice told Gemma it really none of her business, but Amelia would be dumb to come right out and say that, because everything that went on in Charming was Gemma's business.

"Yeah I heard it was real romantic." Gemma scoffed.

"What do you want Gemma?" Amelia asked with an exhausted sigh, "why are you here?"

"Did you ever think about coming back?" Gemma questioned. She didn't even bother answering Amelia's question. She wasn't here to answer her questions. The living room grew to a pin drop silence. Gemma stared at the younger brunette, watching as she opened and closed her mouth a few times as if her voice suddenly disappeared.

"Yes." She spoke finally, her voice was low and raspy. "I had my bags packed and everything."

"What happened?"

"Life." Amelia's laugh was a bitter one.

"Yeah it's a bitch." Gemma felt a pang of sympathy for Amelia, but quickly pushed it aside. She slowly got up the couch certain the thing would break if she moved too fast. Gemma made her way towards the door, she could hear Amelia's footsteps trailing from behind. Gemma quickly turned to face her, "Fun town is tomorrow." She mentioned while pulling the door open. "You should come."

"Uh." Gemma could already see Amelia's mind going into overdrive. She could already tell the brunette was trying to come up with an excuse.

"Opie won't be there." Gemma could see Amelia's body relax once the words left her mouth.

"Oh." Amelia said a hint of curiosity in her voice. Gemma raised an eyebrow at Amelia,

"He's got one foot in the club and one foot out."

"That's a good way to get himself killed." Amelia mumbled.

"It's been that way since he got out of Chino, and the bitch left him for good." Gemma could see Amelia visibly cringe at the mention of Donna. It wasn't a surprise to Gemma that even after all these years, Donna was still a sore subject for her.

"Just think about it." Gemma suggested walking out the door and down the driveway to her Cadillac. Gemma let out a sigh as she pulled away from the house. She knew this was only the beginning of the shit storm that was coming.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝗢𝗽𝗶𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now