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The house was full of tension and awkward silence

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The house was full of tension and awkward silence. Opie sat on the worn out couch in Amelia's living room, playing with the rings on his fingers while the brunette across from him kept putting her hair up in a ponytail, and then taking it out, putting it up, and taking it out. Opie had planned out in his head what he was going to say to Amelia but, once he stepped foot into the house that held so many of his memories with her, he couldn't remember a single word.

He originally wanted to see Amelia the same night Jax told him about all the shit going on with her but, club stuff and stuff with Donna kept getting in the way of him going. Opie was also afraid of seeing her again, their last meeting had brought up too many emotions and memories he thought were long gone.

"Shit." Opie finally spoke, the first words coming into his mind in the moment. "I can't believe you still have this couch." He said, rubbing a hand over the tattered couch. He also couldn't believe Amelia still had her precious El Camino, he was sure it would of been long gone by now. Opie was happy she still had it though, the old car held a lot of memories for the two of them.

Amelia finally stopped playing with her hair, deciding to leave it down. "Wendy still has this couch." She corrected. "I haven't been in this house in years." Amelia reminded him.

"Right." Opie nodded.

It grew silent once again between them. Opie was rethinking his choice to come here, it was obvious Amelia didn't want him there. He wanted to be there though, he wanted to protect her from the fucking ATF agent that was poking his nose into their business, because no matter how much Opie told himself he was over Amelia Case, he knew it was a fucking lie. He would always love her.

"Opie." Amelia said, her voice raspy and her green eyes staring at him. Opie looked up from his ringed fingers, his eyes finding her tired ones. "About the other night, all that shit I said."

"Mila it's the truth." He cut her off, getting up from the couch. "Everything you said that night is the truth."

"Everything we said that night is the truth." Amelia knew there was truth in both of their words that night. They had both let their relationship get broken without really trying to repair it. It hurt like hell to admit it but, it felt good at the same time. Amelia couldn't hold onto all the anger, sadness, and bitterness anymore. It was exhausting. She didn't want to leave Charming still holding onto resentment for Opie.

They couldn't go back in time and change the way things happened but, she hoped they could move forward.

Opie walked slowly towards the brunette, unsure if she was okay or ready for him to be close to her. He watched her unsure green eyes look him up and down, slight tension in her shoulders as he got closer. "Thank you." Opie pulled her into a hug, feeling her arms tense at her side for a moment before she relaxed, and wrapped her arms around his torso.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting when he showed up at Amelia's house but, it wasn't this. Opie knew the two of them still had shit they had to talk out, but right now he was content with this. He was content with them being able to have a civil conversation. Opie just wished it could of happened sooner, maybe then their lives would of been different.

Opie pulled away hesitantly from Amelia. "I gotta go." He didn't want to leave but it was his weekend with Kenny and Ellie, and if he was late picking them up Donna would bitch him out.

"Okay." She gave him a small smile.

Opie walked towards the door, turning back around to look at the brunette. "Mila?" His nickname for her coming out of his mouth like a question.

"Yeah?" Amelia said.

"If that ATF agent comes back call me." He waited for her to nod before walking out of the house.

Amelia watched Opie's truck drive away, unknown to the exes a car was parked a few houses down, watching them. Josh Kohn smirked as he looked down at the photos he had taken. He knew his visit to Amelia would make Opie show up, his plan was working.

Josh Kohn loved when his plans worked.


Amelia watched as Wendy sighed her release forms from St. Thomas, a smile on her face. The older case sister was finally being released today, and while when she first overdosed Wendy was ready to die, even shooting up the crank Gemma brought her but now, Wendy had a son to get sober for and stay sober for. She just needed to show Jax, Gemma, and Amelia that she was for real about her sobriety this time.

"Thank god." Wendy said with a sigh as she signed the last form. "I can't fucking wait to be out of here, this place is suffocating." She handed the papers back to the nurse, who stood next to the hospital bed with a look of boredom on her narrow face.

"I can only imagine what rehab will be like then." Amelia said sarcastically.

"You ready to go?" Wendy asked, ignoring Amelia's words. She knew Amelia was still angry towards her for everything she had put her thought, and Wendy knew that her younger sister spending a few weeks in Charming was in no way about to repair their fractured relationship but, she was determined to show Amelia that she could stay sober.

Amelia nodded and stood up from the chair, hoping this would be her last time sitting in it. She also hoped this was her last time in St. Thomas, because for once Wendy was right, it was suffocating.

The two sisters walked out of the hospital and into the sunny afternoon, silence was their best friend as they walked to Amelia's El Camino.

"I'm gonna do it this time, Mia." Wendy said with determination in her voice as the sisters got into the car. "I'm gonna stay sober."

Amelia let out a scoff as she started the car. The brunette had heard that plenty of times from Wendy, she never trusted Wendy's word anymore. Amelia needed to see it to believe it when it came to her sister. "We need to get you into a rehab first." Amelia pointed out. "So, don't go making any promises yet." Amelia rolled her green eyes before pulling out of St. Thomas' parking lot.


(A/N: Let me apologize because this chapter is just a mess. I literally have no idea where I'm going with this story anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ so, sit back and enjoy the ride. Don't forget to vote/comment)

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