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"Where the fuck is he?" Clay growled, cigar smoke escaping from his mouth as he spoke. "Piney?" Clay's blue eyes focused on the old man at the end of the table. Clay had called for church half an hour ago and Opie was the only one who had yet to show up, with each minute that passed Clay's anger grew. He needed Opie to get his fucking head on straight and fully commit to the club.

"Like I fuckin' know." Piney grumbled. "He ain't exactly calling me up and giving me a play by play of his day." Piney adjusted the oxygen tube around his nose, "he said he'd be here though and he'll be here." The old man's voice was stubborn much like he was.

"Well fuckin' get him here then old man." Clay slammed his fist down on the table, his blue eyes glowering with anger. He had too much shit going on, he didn't needs Opie's whiny bullshit to put up with also.

"I'll get him." Jax spoke up before Piney could open his mouth. He didn't want to hear the bitching of two old men, and he was sure he wasn't the only one. Jax pushed his chair back from the table, hearing Clay bang the gavel. He walked out of chapel with the rest of the club following behind.

"You want me to ride with you Jackie boy?" Chibs asked.

"Nah." Jax shook his head. "I got this."

"Aye." Chibs nodded, patting Jax on the shoulder before walking off towards the bar.

The sun had began to set as Jax made his way out of the clubhouse, and into the parking lot of TM, a cigarette dangling from his lips. This shit with Opie was getting old, being half in and half out was getting old and a good way to get himself killed. Jax knew he needed to open Opie's eyes. The blonde biker just wasn't so sure if what he had in mind was a good way to open them.


The VP let out a sigh as he heard Piney's gravelly voice call out to him. "What is it old man?" He stopped, turning around to see the old man trying to keep pace with him.

Piney adjusted his oxygen and took a few deep breaths once he finally reached his VP. "'Make sure my son stops being a stubborn asshole like his old man." He spoke once he finally caught his breath.

Jax nodded understanding the hidden meaning in Piney's words. Jax knew Piney always thought of Amelia like a daughter, and it crushed him when she left town.

"I'll try old man." Jax said getting onto his bike, and riding out of the Teller-Morrow parking lot.


The music could be heard on the street as Jax pulled up to Opie's house. Jax parked his bike and made his way towards the small house, he pulled out a cigarette and the reaper lighter in his jean pocket, lighting the cigarette before knocking loudly on the door. He couldn't hear any movement inside only the loud banging of the Metallica song that continued to play.

"Ope!" Jax yelled, banging on the door. He heard movement in the house along with loud giggling and what sounded like glass breaking.

"Hi." A barely clothed blonde opened the door, red lipstick smeared across her lips, and her very obvious dyed hair was a tangle of knots. "If I knew the Prince Of Charming was gonna show up I would of dressed up." Her giggle was high pitched and Jax was certain dogs could hear it.

Jax gave his infamous smirk to the crow eater in front of him. "Darlin', why don't you get yourself dressed and head out. I got some business to discuss with Opie." He walked passed the blonde and into the house, turning the music off. Jax's blue eyes took in his surroundings, there were beer and whiskey bottles on top of the coffee table, and empty take out food containers littered around the floor. Jax heard a crunch under his foot as he walked deeper into the house, looking down he saw the remains of a broken whiskey bottle under his white sneakers. He wasn't surprised by the condition of Opie's house, he stopped caring about shit when Donna left. Fuck, really When Mia left if Jax were to be honest.

"Be careful." The blonde giggled. "I broke that."

"I will darlin'." Jax watched the crow eater walk into Opie's bedroom. He wasn't surprised to see her either, since Donna left Opie had a different crow eater with him each night and they were usually blonde, weather that was their real hair color or not.

"Jax." Opie's tall figure stumbled out of his room, the blonde behind him now fully dressed. "I'll see you later." He have the blonde a smack on her ass which earned him a giggle. She nodded and quickly left the house, leaving the two men alone.

"What are you doing here?" Opie asked, picking up a beer bottle from the coffee table, and drinking what was left of it.

"You didn't show up to church, Ope." Jax watched his best friend sit down on the couch, his eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles under his eyes.

"Shit." Opie cursed. "I forgot." He said running a hand through his growing hair.

"Yeah well, go shower and get dressed. We gotta go."

"Yeah." Opie nodded his head and got up slowly from the couch. "Thanks brother." Opie placed the empty beer bottle down on the coffee table and made his way towards his room.

Jax could hear the water running as he sat down on the couch, a sigh escaping his lips. He hoped he was doing the right thing.


Jax was exhausted, church had been long and draining. All he really wanted to do was go home and sleep but, he had one more stop tonight. He pulled up to the brick house, the lawn freshly cut from the last time he visited. Jax could see the light in the living room was on, hopefully that meant she was awake. He made the short walk up to the door, knocking on it and immediately hearing quick footsteps.

"Hey, Jax." He could see the curiosity in Amelia's green eyes. Jax was one to usually text before he came to see her, but tonight there was no time for a text. "Come in." He could smell the alcohol on her breath as she spoke.

"Hey, Mia." Jax's smile was a tired one. "I'm not gonna be long." He said waving off her invitation. Jax didn't have time for small talk. He was here for a reason.

"Is everything okay? Is Abel okay?"

The question shocked him a bit. He hadn't heard Amelia ask about Abel since she arrived, he knew she hadn't even visited him yet. "Yeah, darlin'." He nodded. The crickets could be heard as it grew silent between the two of them. They stared at each other, waiting to see who would break first.

"You need to tell Opie you're here. He needs to know, and if you can't tell him I will." Jax broke the silence first, his voice firm, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. He should of given her this ultimatum the first day she was back in Charming. Opie deserved to know she was back.

"He has nothing to do with why I'm here." Her voice broke as she spoke. "I'm not here to dig up the past, it's been buried s long time Jax."

"It's time to start digging it back up, Mia." Jax walked away from the brunette. The past needed to be dug up, and Jax would be there with a shovel if Mia couldn't do it herself.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝗢𝗽𝗶𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now