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Amelia could feel Opie's fingers tracing the crow tattoo on her ribs - his crow. The brunette had planned to get it covered up plenty of times but, something always got in the way. She kept her green eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep as his fingers lazily traced his name. It felt good to have his fingers touch her skin again, she had forgotten how alive he made her feel. Amelia missed feeling alive, the brunette felt like she was just going through the motions in life.

"Do you regret last night?" Opie suddenly asked, his voice sounding sleepy. He knew Amelia had been awake for sometime, but he was enjoying taking in every feature on her face and every curve of her body. He needed to commit it to memory again in case this was the last time he would truly see her. Opie didn't regret last night, not at all but, in the back of his mind he was afraid Amelia did.

"No." Amelia shook her head. "Do you?" She asked, keeping her eyes closed afraid to look him in the eyes.

Amelia's raspy voice sent a shiver down Opie's spine. He loved her voice, he always would. "Look at me." His voice was firm as he placed a finger under her chin, he wanted to look into her eyes when he told her this.

The brunette slowly opened her eyes, her green ones staring into Opie's blue ones. Amelia suddenly felt shy, like they were two teenagers again who had just discovered each other's bodies for the first time.

"I don't regret shit." Opie's voice was soft. "I could never regret you." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. Opie needed Amelia to know that. He regretted the things he did to her but he could never regret her - ever. "I love you."

Amelia closed her eyes, and let out a deep sigh. It wasn't because she didn't feel the same way for Opie, of course she loved him too. She never stopped loving him but, him telling her that was going to make it harder for her to leave Charming now. "I love you too, Ope." It felt like a weight had been lifted off of Amelia's chest. A weight that had been there since she left all those years ago. "But-"

"No." Opie said, cutting Amelia off. "We love each other that's all that matters." He said, running his hand through her dark hair.

"We loved each other last time too." Amelia pointed out, opening her eyes. Sometimes love wasn't enough, it wasn't enough for them last time. Why would now be any different?

Opie knew Amelia was right but he wanted to show her they could work this time. "We can do this, Mila." The conviction in his voice made Amelia want to cry. Opie sounded so sure of this, of them. Amelia couldn't let herself get broken again. She didn't think her heart could handle it.

"I need to think." She said, throwing the blanket back from her naked body. "I'm gonna take a shower." Amelia have Opie a small smile before walking towards the bathroom.

Amelia had a million thoughts running through her mind, hopefully being alone for a little bit would help her think.


The sun was setting as Amelia sat outside, smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer. Opie was gone by the time she had gotten out of the shower, something she was thankful for. Her mind was still racing with too many thoughts, not even four beers in could calm her brain. The brunette had no fucking idea what to do.

"Hey." Wendy's voice pulled Amelia from her thoughts.

"Hey." Amelia watched as Wendy sat down next to her. The younger Case sister knew Wendy never made her way back to the house after Abel's homecoming party. Amelia just hoped Wendy wasn't getting her hopes up of being a family after spending the night at Jax's. Wendy needed rehab, not a baby and ex-husband. "How's Abel?" She asked.

"Good." Wendy smiled. "How's Opie?" Wendy asked while lighting up a cigarette of her own. She had figured when she saw the two leave together that something was going to happen between the exes. You'd have to be stupid not to see that the two still loved each other.

Amelia didn't like talking to Wendy about her personal life but, maybe just maybe her older sister could help her for once. "My mind is fucking racing, Wendy." The brunette said, taking a sip of her beer. "I don't know what to do. He thinks our love is all that matters like, it could be different this time." She said, cigarette smoke leaving her mouth as she spoke.

"Maybe it could be." Wendy's voice was soft. "I was always jealous of you and Opie." She admitted, watching as Amelia's face stayed blank. "Your relationship was so full of love and, one I wanted so badly to have with Jax. Yeah, he fucked up but, Opie loves you and he's always going to love you. I don't think anything will change that. I think you need to ask yourself if you're okay with leaving a love like that behind again." Wendy finished, tossing her cigarette to the ground and walking into the house, leaving Amelia to sit there and think about her surprisingly wise words.

(A/N: yeah, it's obvious I have no clue where I'm going with this story anymore. Thank you for all the votes and views! Only a few more chapters and I'll be ending this. I think it's run it's course. Don't forget to vote/comment 😊)

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