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(A/N: Warning! This chapter deals with talk of loss of a baby)

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(A/N: Warning! This chapter deals with talk of loss of a baby)


A few days had passed and Wendy had yet to find a rehab with an available room. Amelia grew frustrated with each day that came and went, she needed to get back to Louisiana, back to her life, apartment, and depressing job. Although those three things were very sad, the brunette still needed to get back to them.

"The sign is crooked." Gemma pointed out, while she watched the two Case sisters hang up the 'welcome home' banner for Abel. "Bring it down a little more." Gemma ordered.

Amelia let out a sigh as she followed Gemma's orders. Today was the day Abel was finally coming home and, Gemma being Gemma wanted everything perfect for her grandson's big homecoming.

The younger Case sister's anxiety has been at an all time high since she arrived at Jax's to help with Abel's welcome home party. The thought of meeting her nephew sent her stomach into a frenzy and, the fact that she was meeting him in a house full of SAMCRO members she hadn't seen in years made her want to scream.

"Perfect." Gemma smiled, nodding her head in approval. "So, I hear you and Opie made up." The older woman said, her words directed towards Amelia, a smirk on her face. When Amelia first showed back up in Charming, Gemma thought Jax had made the worst mistake by calling her. (Well, second worst mistake, marrying Wendy would be the first) but now, she thought maybe Amelia was just what Opie needed to get his head straight.

"Wait, you saw Opie?" Wendy asked, looking at her younger sister. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. Wendy had thought her sister would have share this information with her. Sure, Amelia never really told Wendy about her personal life even when they did have a decent relationship but, she thought it would of came up. Especially with the time they've been spending together in the last couple of days.

Amelia rolled her eyes, annoyed that Gemma had brought this up right now. Especially in front of Wendy. If she had wanted Wendy to know she would of told her while they were getting in each other's way at their childhood home. "It's not a big deal." The brunette shrugged. "We saw each other, said somethings, and that's about it." She nonchalantly said.

"Oh baby, it's definitely a big deal." Gemma said with a smile, walking towards the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Wendy questioned again once Gemma was out of earshot.

You would have to be oblivious to not notice the sadness in her voice. Amelia wasn't oblivious, she just didn't care. "Because it's not a big fucking deal." Amelia rolled her green eyes. "Fuck Wendy, worry about your own fucking life." The brunette spoke with exasperation in her voice before walking off towards the kitchen, in search of Gemma.


Amelia sat on the couch next to Piney with a beer in her hand, half listening to the story coming out of the old man's mouth. Her attention was too focused on Opie, who stood on the opposite side of the room laughing along to something Chibs had said. She had forgotten what his laughter sounded like, it was like a thunderstorm - loud and exciting. Amelia had forgotten just how much her ears had missed hearing it.

"You don't want to listen to this old man's stories." Piney said, his eyes looking over to what Amelia was so focused on, a smile forming on his face once he realized it was his son that held her attention. Piney had always loved Amelia like a daughter, and he wanted nothing more than for the brunette and his son to get back together. He knew she was the best thing for Opie but, Piney also knew the two of them still had a lot of shit to talk through. The old man just hoped they would actually do that this time instead of running away from each other.

"What?" Amelia turned her head to looked at Piney, seeing a smile on his face. "Sorry I was just-"

"Distracted." Piney's finished for her with a laugh, watching as her face turned the slightest shade of red with embarrassment. "He told me you two talked through some of your shit."

Amelia let out a sigh and took a sip of beer before speaking. "Yeah, some."

Piney nodded and didn't push the topic any further. "It's good to have you back in Charming." He said, giving her leg a pat.

Amelia gave him a small smile. She didn't have the heart to tell him she wouldn't be in Charming for much longer. Cheers and applause all of the sudden broke out as Jax and Wendy walked into the house, a large smile on Jax's face as he held Abel in his arms. The brunette took a deep breath before getting up off the couch and walking towards the new parents.

"You wanna hold him?" Jax asked, his blue eyes looking into Amelia's green ones.

"Uh," Amelia looked at Jax, and then her green eyes traveled down to her nephew. It was the first time since she had been in town that she laid eyes on him. "Sure." She held her arms out, allowing Jax to place Abel in her arms. Amelia stared down at the baby in her arms, her eyes filling with tears and her heart breaking a little. "He's perfect." She said softly, hanging Abel back to Jax. She needed to get out of there. It was becoming too overwhelming for her.

"You okay?" Opie whispered, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. He could tell this was a lot for her. Fuck, it was a lot for him too. This could of been them had life not been cruel to them.

"Yeah." Amelia nodded, wiping away at her watery eyes. "I think I'm going to head out." She needed a drink and something that was a lot stronger than the beer she had already consumed.

"I'll follow you." Opie said, his voice leaving no room for an argument. He knew Amelia was capable of driving herself home but, he wanted to make sure she got there safely. Opie knew she was in her own head. "Let me just tell Jax." He said, walking off towards the smiling father.

Amelia kept her eyes focused on Opie, watching the bearded man talk with his VP. She gave Jax a small smile as he looked at her with his own small smile. Amelia watched the two hug before Opie made his way back to her. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." She nodded, giving Jax one last smile before following Opie out of the house.

Amelia shook her head as she noticed Tara's Cutlass pulling up, at least she would be gone before that awkward interaction was bound to happen.


Amelia pulled her El Camino into the driveway, while Opie pulled his bike in behind her and turned it off. He pulled off his helmet, replacing it with his black beanie. "You okay?" He asked again, while walking towards the brunette who still held his heart.

"Yeah." She said with a reassuring smile. "It was just overwhelming." Amelia added. The last time she had held a baby was the night Opie and hers had been brought into this world stillborn.

Opie nodded understandingly. It got overwhelming for him too once he saw Amelia holding Abel, in the back of his mind that should have been their baby she was holding, their little Harry JR. "yeah." He agreed, running a hand over his face.

"You want to come in for a drink?" Amelia hoped Opie caught the double meaning in her words. Something in her felt the need to be closer to Opie. She just wanted to be held by him, loved by him, and she just wanted him.

Opie could hear the want in Amelia's voice. "Yeah." His voice had just as much want in it. He needed to hold her, and be with her again.

The pair walked towards the house, a million thoughts running through their heads. Amelia closed the door with shaky hands, she hoped they wouldn't regret their decision in the morning.

(A/N: sorry for the lack of smut. I just can't do it. I cringe when I try and write it. Thank you for all the views and votes! I'm probably going to try and end this at around 20 to 25 chapters. Don't forget to vote/comment!)

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