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"Hello?" Amelia shielded her eyes from the bright sun as she opened the door. She stared at the man standing there, a fist held up getting ready to knock again. "Can I help you?" She asked, looking at the dark haired man who wore an arrogant smile on his face. Amelia had no idea who he was but, she immediately knew she didn't like him.

"Amelia Case?" He asked, pulling the sunglasses off his face and straightening the blue tie around his neck.

"Who wants to know?" Amelia raised an eyebrow towards the unknown man.

"Josh Kohn, ATF." He smiled, flashing his badge in front of her green eyes. "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions." He said while trying to take a peek inside the house. Josh knew it would be easy to get to Amelia, she didn't have members of SAMCRO following her every movement. The brunette only had a few visits from Jax Teller and Gemma Teller-Morrow. He knew she had been gone from Charming for years, but she may have something that could be useful to him, and she may be willing to help him.

"ATF?" She said slowly, staring at the badge. Amelia knew there was only one reason why an ATF agent would be in Charming - SAMCRO. She didn't know why he'd want to talk to her though, the only connections she had to them now was because of Wendy.

"Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms." He explained, putting his badge back into his blazer pocket.

"Yeah, I know what it stands for." She huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Right." He nodded. "What can you tell me about The Sons of Anarchy?" His blue eyes stared at her, waiting for her answer. In a way the brunette in front of him reminded him of his beloved Tara. Tara was the reason he was in this shithole town. He needed her back, and he would get her back. No biker scumbag like Jax Teller was ever going to put his hands on what was Josh Kohn's.

Amelia stared at the ATF agent in front of her, his blue eyes focused on her. She felt a chill run through her as his eyes didn't move once from her face. There was something not right with him, she could feel it. "Besides that they're motorcycle enthusiasts, nothing."

"Well." She said slowly, seeing his eyes light up at the possibility of getting some juicy information from her. "They're also mechanics."

Josh could feel anger raising in his body. He couldn't let it get the best of him though, he needed to stay level headed. "You were involved with Harry Winston, right?"

"A lifetime ago." Amelia's voice was soft. "What does it matter?" She asked, her tone growing aggravated.

Josh smirked internally. He knew his question had stirred something inside of her, and that's exactly what he wanted. He needed to keep pushing her. "He was the father of your baby, was he not?"

Amelia could feel the color drain from her face, it felt like a punch to her stomach. It hurt her ears to hear the words spoken out loud. She never spoke of that, only reliving it everyday in her mind. The closest she got to speaking about it was the night she saw Opie, but even then she couldn't get all the words out. "I don't know what you're looking for here, but you're not gonna get it from me." She said, making sure to keep her voice full of emotion. She didn't want him to see that his words effected her, though Amelia was sure her face gave that away.

"Well, if you remember anything please don't hesitate to reach out." He held out a white card towards her, his name and number written neatly across it. "And Amelia, I am sorry for your loss. I'm sure you would have been a wonderful mother."

Amelia let out a clipped laugh and closed the door in his face. The brunette hoped she didn't encounter Josh Kohn again while she was here. Amelia wasn't so sure if she would be able to keep her composure next time.


Amelia pulled into Teller-Morrow, she really didn't want to be here but, she felt the need to let Jax know that there was an ATF agent in town asking about SAMCRO. She took a deep breath before exiting her car, walking past the row of motorcycles that lines the parking lot. Amelia kept her head held high and her green eyes focused on Jax, who was sitting on one of the picnic tables, smoking a cigarette.

"What's wrong darlin'?" Jax asked, tossing the cigarette on the ground. When the blonde biker received a text from his former sister in law asking if they could talk at TM, he knew something was up.

Amelia ran a hand through her hair and pulled her leather jacket closer to her body. "I got a visit from an ATF agent today. He asked me what I knew about you guys."

"Shit." Jax cursed, running a hand through his blonde hair. "What did you say?" He asked, looking at the brunette in front of him. That was the last thing Jax was expecting her to say.

"Nothing." She said offended by his question. "I don't know anything. I haven't been privy to anything SAMCRO does in fucking years." Amelia could feel the tears forming in her eyes. She was so fucking tired of all the bullshit. "I'm not a rat, Jax." She whispered, wiping away the few tears that had fallen.

Jax stared at the brunette in shock. He could count the number of times he'd seen Amelia cry, and it wasn't many. She was one to bottle up her feelings, exploding when she reached her breaking point. Jax could see she was almost at her breaking point. "I know you're not." He said, pulling Amelia into a hug. "He's probably trying to rattle you. Don't worry about it." Jax reassured.

"He knew about-" Amelia stopped, the tears streaming down her face. Even after all these years she still couldn't say his name.

"It's okay darlin'." Jax spoke softly, kissing the top of her head. "I'll take care of it." His heart broke for the brunette in his arms. He knew how much pain she was still in, it was the same pain Opie was still in. Jax knew Amelia never found a way to deal with their tragedy, not that he blamed her. Opie buried himself in Donna, and Amelia left town. He guessed in a way not dealing with it was how they felt with it.


Amelia knew Opie's voice immediately, she could feel herself tensing in Jax's arms. Their meeting had not gone the best, not that she had been expecting it to. "I should go." She sniffed, pulling out of Jax's embrace. Amelia didn't want a repeat of that night. Especially not here. She gave Jax a weak smile before turning around and coming face to face with Opie. "Sorry." She apologized.

Opie looked at her with a frown on his face, unsure of what she was apologizing for. He quickly had to regain his composure once he realized it was her and not Tara like he first thought. Opie would be lying if he said he didn't feel some jealously when he saw how close Jax and Amelia were.

Opie watched the brunette walk towards her car. "Is she okay?" He asked once her El Camino was out of the TM lot. He was too stubborn to ask Amelia himself, afraid her answer would have something to do with him.

"We got shit to talk about brother." Jax sighed.

(A/N: Thank you all for the views, votes, and follows! I really appreciate it!! Don't forget to vote /comment 😊)

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