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(A/N: I know I said I wanted to end this at 20 or 25 chapters but, this will be the last chapter. Thank you all for all the votes and views! I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed this story as much I enjoyed writing it. Eventually I will probably do a sequel and/or prequel.)

PS: this is unedited so sorry for any mistakes



A few weeks had gone by, and Wendy had finally left for rehab. Amelia felt proud of her sister for the first time in a long time. The sister's promised to keep in touch and work on their relationship as long as Wendy stayed in rehab and continued to work on herself. The green eyed brunette ran a hand through her messy hair as she placed her clothes into her suitcase.

Today was the day Amelia left Charming, there was no point in her staying now that Wendy was in rehab. Yet, a part of her knew that wasn't the truth. Opie was still here and Amelia allowed herself to get close to him again, to fall in love with him again. Opie was the one who held her every night, protecting her until they found out who sent her those photos. It didn't take long for Jax to figure out who sent Amelia the pictures - Josh Kohn. The ATF agent was the man behind them, he wanted SAMCRO to slip up so he could get Jax away from Tara. Jax had taken care of Josh Kohn, though Amelia didn't know all of the details but, she had a feeling nobody would be hearing from or seeing the ATF agent again.

The brunette zipped up her suitcase, her green eyes taking in the bedroom for one last time. The memories the house held were still too much for her, she couldn't put it in the market just yet. It still had a nostalgic hold on her. Amelia asked Gemma to find a renter for the home, she didn't want the house to sit there and rot. A sad smile took over Amelia's face as she exited the bedroom for the last time. When she first got back to Charming all she could look forward to was the day when she could leave again and now, it was the last thing she wanted to do.

Amelia noticed his tall figure the moment she stepped out of the house and into the warm, sunny day. Opie stood in the driveway leaning against his bike with a sad smile on his face as he looked at Amelia. Opie wanted her to stay. No, he needed her to stay. He had just let her leave the first time too stupid to go after her, he wasn't about to make the same mistake twice.

"Hi." Amelia's voice was soft as she walked towards him. "Thank you." She smiled up at him while wrapping her arms around his torso. In that moment she was thanking him for everything, for forgiving her, for keeping her safe, and most of all for loving her again and making her feel alive again.

"You don't need to thank me, Mila." Opie said, wrapping his arms tightly around her much smaller frame. "I would do it all over again if I had to. I love you." His thumb wiped away the silent tears that feel from her eyes. "Stay with my Mila." He pleaded, his sad blue eyes staring down into her crying green ones. "I wanna be with you. Please, don't leave me again." Opie's voice cracked as he spoke.

"I can't, Harry." Amelia said, shaking her head. "I love you too, but, I can't allow myself to get that broken again." She told him through her tears. "I'll always love you." Amelia whispered before removing herself from Opie's embrace. The brunette gave him one last look before getting into her El Camino. Amelia watched Opie grow smaller and smaller as she drove away, driving away once again from the only man she had ever truly loved.

Opie watched as Amelia's car disappeared down the quiet street. He couldn't believe she had left him again, and he couldn't believe he just stood there and watched her leave.


Amelia wiped the tears from her eyes as she drove past the 'Welcome to Charming' sign. She quickly pulled her car over to the side, resting her head against the steering wheel as the tears continued to fall. What the fuck was she doing? Was she really willing to give up a second chance with Opie? She took a deep breath, hoping to calm herself down. Amelia picked her head up off the steering wheel and let a smile take over her sad, tear stained face. "Fuck it." She rasped, Turing her El Camino around. The brunette wasn't willing to give up being with Opie again. She needed him, she loved him. Amelia knew she couldn't let a love like that get away again.

Amelia stopped the car at the curb not bothering to pull into the driveway. She saw Opie still standing in the same spot from when she left. The brunette rushed out of the car not bothering to turn it off or close the door as she raced towards Opie.


The sound of her voice startled him, he turned his head a look of shock crossed his face as he watched her running towards him. Opie took a few large strides towards the brunette. "Mila." He said as he felt her small body collide with his. "Wha-" Opie couldn't form a sentence as he looked down at the love of his life.

"I'm all in if you are." Amelia said, looking up into his blue eyes.

"I'm all in, Mila." He smiled. "I've always been." Opie told her as he pressed his lips against hers.

This is where she belonged. Where she had always belonged.


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