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The sun filtered in through the kitchen window, warming the side of Amelia's face. The brunette sat at the small kitchen table with a cigarette in her hand and a manila envelope in front of her. She had yet to touch the envelope since getting it out of the mailbox, she knew whatever was in there couldn't be good. An envelope with no return address and just her name written across it in bold large lettering could never be anything good.

Amelia let out a sigh as she pulled her phone from her pocket, her green eyes focusing on Opie's name. There was a debate going on in her mind right now, should she call Opie or not? Was it pointless to call him just because she had a bad feeling about a stupid fucking envelope. "Fuck it." She muttered, placing her phone on the table, and rolling her eyes at her paranoia. Amelia didn't need to call him. She had gone years without calling him when a minor inconvenience happened in her life. She didn't need to start now just because they had sex, and she was in her feelings.

"What the fuck." Amelia's shocked eyes took in the photos that poured out of the envelope. There were a few of her on the day she arrived in Charming, a few of her going into and leaving St. Thomas, and of course the most shocking were the ones of Opie and her from throughout the years. "What the actual fuck." She was speechless as she looked at a photo of her and Opie from the night of Abel's homecoming party.

Amelia quickly shoved the pictures back into the envelope, with a shaky hand she picked up her phone and pressed on his name. This wasn't just her paranoia, this was something and Amelia had no fucking idea what to do about it. Hopefully he would.


Jax sat next to Amelia, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the pictures. It was apparent that someone was watching her but, Jax wasn't sure why. Amelia wasn't anyone's old lady anymore and, it wasn't like she was the best of friends with any of them. It didn't make sense to the VP at all.

"You call Ope about this?" He asked, placing the pictures on the inside of his kutte. Jax knew he was going to have to bring this to the table. Whoever was watching Amelia was most likely watching SAMCRO too.

"No." The brunette shook her head, as she continued to stare straight ahead. "Only you."

Jax nodded as he took in his shell shocked sister-in-law. The blonde biker knew he had to call Opie, this involved him too. "You got any enemies in Louisiana?" Jax asked.

Amelia let out a laugh as she turned her head to look at Jax. "Seriously? I'm not the one in a gang." She said with a raised eyebrow. It was an asshole thing to say and Amelia knew that but right now, she didn't give a fuck. Her anxiety was through the roof.

Jax ignored Amelia's comment. He knew she was scared, and bitchy comments were her go to when she was scared. It was her way of comforting herself. "So, no enemies then." Jax said dryly. "Any exes?"

"Jax," She said with a frustrated sigh. "I haven't had a serious relationship since Opie. I work at a shitty bar. I live in a shitty apartment, and I hardly have a social life. My life in Louisiana is fucking sad." It felt cathartic for Amelia to finally say it out loud, for someone besides herself to know how fucked her life was.

The blonde VP nodded. He had figured Amelia didn't have the best life, he could remember all the times she would call Wendy crying when she first left town. Eventually, the crying stopped but Jax could still hear a sadness in her voice. "I'm gonna call Ope." He said, getting up and placing a kiss on the top of Amelia's head.

Amelia nodded not bothering to argue with him. It would be pointless and a waste of her breath.


Opie sat at the kitchen table with Jax, while Amelia sat on the couch smoking a cigarette. His blue eyes stared at the photos in his large hands, a look of shock took over his features as he looked through the pictures of Amelia and him. Opie could feel anger rising in his body, whoever was taking these pictures was going to great lengths to get them. Especially the ones of Amelia and him from years ago.

"You think this is the Mayans?" Opie asked, his eyes still staring at the photos in his hands. A look of disgust crossing his face at the thought, he knew something like this wasn't exactly Marcus Alvarez's MO but, tensions had been high between the two clubs lately.

"Nah." Jax shook his head. "Alvarez wouldn't pull some dumb shit like this. Plus, Amelia isn't an old lady there would be no reason for him to have her followed." He said in a low voice.

Opie wanted to object about Amelia not being an old lady but, Jax was right. Opie didn't even know if she wanted to be with him again. The morning after their tryst had been a bit awkward with Amelia just leaving to shower in the middle of Opie confessing that he wanted to be back with her.

"Who the fuck then?" Opie asked, his anger continuing to rise.

"I don't know brother." Jax sighed. "She doesn't have any enemies or scorned exes besides you." The blonde biker said with a small laugh.

"Fuck." Opie growled, handing the pictures back over to his VP. He couldn't stand to look at them anymore, if he did he was more than likely to break something. "I'm gonna stay with her." The bearded biker said, turning to look at the brunette sitting on the couch. Opie's heart broke as he stared at Amelia, she just sat there in a daze.

"Alright." Jax nodded. "I'll see you later, brother." Jax put a hand on Opie's shoulder before making his way out of the house.

"I'm fucking scared, Ope." Amelia admitted, feeling the couch dip under Opie's tall frame. Amelia hated you admit when she was scared. It was like admitting she was weak.

Opie pulled the brunette into his arms. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He said, placing a kiss on the top of her head. Nothing was going to get in between him and Amelia this time. He had his girl back and, Opie was going to make sure it stayed that way.

(A/N: Thank you so much for the votes and views!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Don't forget to vote/comment)

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