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Pea had ordered me a drink saying he'd get me something I liked. I took a sip and I did like it, it tasted just like cola. The problem with that is I forgot it was alcohol. I kept ordering and ordering this drink even after Pea told me to stop. I had quite a few drinks and didn't feel anything. That's when it began. When I blinked it felt lagged, I laughed at everything and I was acting stupid. I was completely smashed.

"Y/n, it's time to go." Pea ushered.

"Wait no, Toni, save me!" I pouted but couldn't help but giggle. Sweet Pea threw me over his shoulder and carried me to my car.

"Keys." He demanded.

"What about your bike?"

"You're too drunk to go on it, I'll pick it up tomorrow." He sighed, holding out his hand, I reluctantly dropped my keys into his large palm. He opened the passenger door and helped me in, hopping into the driver side after closing my door. He began to drive back to the North side.

"Wait no!"


"I can't go home like this." I mumbled.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked. He took a look at me then put his eyes back on the road turning back around.

"Fine." He sighed. It was quiet for a couple minutes until I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" Pea smile, obviously amused at my drunken self.

"You're hot when you're driving." I grin. He took his eyes off the road to look at me again before turning back.

"You're drunk."

"You're hot." I caused him to chuckle. 

"If you like me that much you would ask me out." He chuckled jokingly.

"I never make the first move. Nudge, nudge, hint, hint." I grinned at him making him laugh.

"Well, tell me that tomorrow when you're sober, and I might just believe you." He mumbled. Once we got to the trailer park, Pea stopped his car outside what I assume to be his trailer.

"Pea, carry me." I whined stretching my arms out as he opened the passenger door. He sighed, picking me up bridal style. He had to move me so my legs were around his toro and my arms around my neck so he could unlock the door. Once he did, he dropped me onto his bed, him tumbling on top of me because I kept hold of him. He tried to pick himself up but I was stubborn and didn't let go.

"You have to let go, I'm going to sleep on the sofa." He said quietly since he was so close. His face was inches away from mine.

"Stay, please?" I whispered, looking down to his lips, wanting to press mine against his so bad. So that's what I did. He hesitated for a second but began kissing back before pulling away.

"Y/n, you're drunk, you'll regret this tomorrow." He sighs.

"No, I won't Pea. I like you. Can you please stay with me tonight, I don't want to be alone." I whisper, finally letting him go. He sighs in defeat. He gets up and moves to his draw, throwing a large t-shirt at me.

"Get changed." He mumbled, walking out the room after grabbing himself some joggers. I quickly removed my shoes and replaced my tight day clothing with a large shirt that went down to my mid-thigh. There was a knock.

"Yeah?" I asked, Pea walked in, shirtless, in joggers. My eyes scanned his torso for a little too long making him clear his throat.

"Sorry." I rubbed my neck making him chuckle. He quickly got under the covers, I did the same facing away from him so he couldn't see my red cheeks. I could feel his back, very close to mine. I suddenly felt the mattress move as he shuffled. His bare chest pressed against my back as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Goodnight, Y/n." He whispered tiredly, kissing my shoulder. I felt his breath steadily hitting the back of my neck. I soon fell asleep to his quiet snores. Goodnight, Sweet Pea.

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