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I woke up to the revvs of an unusually loud engine. I suddenly felt cold realising Pea was no longer next to me. I mentally face-palmed remembering everything that happened last night. I was lucky I could remember but I still hate myself for the hangover I currently have. I wondered out of the room to see Sweet's walk through the entrance of the trailer.

"I just picked up my motorcycle. I didn't think you would be awake." He gave me a slight smile, looking me up and down before clearing his throat. I looked down realising, where I fidget in Pea's bed his shirt had ruffled so it barely went down to my mid-thigh. I quickly straightened it back out, making him chuckle in amusement, resulting in me giving him a glare.

"The engine woke me up, it was really loud." I mumble. He chuckled.

"That would be the hang-over, princess." He looked amused, making me roll my eyes but couldn't stop the smile breaking out on my lips.

"Do you want to go to Pop's? We can get some lunch." He smiled. I nodded before realising.

"Lunch? Pea we have school!" I screeched looking at my phone, 12:42. I sighed.

"Let's skip. I mean we basically have already." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"You're buying." I looked at him seriously.

"I wouldn't have it any other way princess." He smirked. The pet name he gave me made my breath hitch in my throat. I couldn't help but smile. As much as I hated everything I said to him last night I hope he believed me. I do really like him, why can't I just tell him. I threw on some fishnets that I had spare in my bag and put my shoes back on, wearing Pea's shirt as a sort of dress. Pea whistled cat calling me making chuckle. I would usually yell about how disrespectful it is to women but I couldn't. I hopped onto his bike and we headed off to Pop's. We both sat opposite each other after ordering, Pea paid.

"Thank you." I smiled  

"No problem, princess." He smiled back. It wasn't long before Pop's delivered the food to our table. We were talking for a few hours until Pea brought up a subject I thought he would avoid. 

"So, I was thinking about what happened yesterday." Pea mumbled. I tried to contain my smile, trying not to get my hopes up.

"Which part?" I asked.

"Mostly about the kiss." He grinned, before returning to a serious look. 

"No, about what you said. Never making the first move." He said looking down at his hands. I put my hand on top of his making him look at me, I gave him a reassuring look.

"I know I'm a serpent and you probably wouldn't want to but, would you like to ya know be my girlfriend, I don't want to pressure you or-" He said confidently, but mumbling by the end before I cut him off.

"I'd love to, Pea." I smile, in response he let out the biggest grin, his smile was so beautiful that my smile stretched further if that was even possible. He moved to the seat I was on, he put his hand on my thigh and leant in. I closed the small gap between our lips. It was slow and passionate, as if he wanted to treasure the moment. Our lips moved together perfectly. He moved his hands to the side of my face before pulling away and looking me dead in the eyes with a small smile. 

"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time. " He whispered, letting out a breathy laugh. I put my hand on top of his, biting my bottom lip trying to contain my happiness. 

"Me too." I spoke softly.

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