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"Y/n, how do you know the laws?" He asked. I let out a deep breath. We both sat on my bed, I sat cross legged, facing him, he had his legs hanging off the bed, his face turned to look at me.

"I told you my dad was a serpent. I was raised with the laws engraved into my mind, I would recite them every morning to him. I was raised to be a serpent, I was meant to be born into it." I explained.

"Well then why didn't you?" He asked. My eyes began to well up, remembering what happened.

"You don't have to tell me." He whispered, wiping tears off my cheek. I shook my head, he deserved to know.

"One night, my dad went to the Whyte Whrym. My mum was never a serpent and dad lived on the north side with us. He came back, drunk, and with company. My dad hit me, the others robbed almost everything from the house. That night, my dad abused my mum. He hit her, kicked her, she ended up in hospital, I stayed with her, too scared to go home. After that we never associated with serpents." by now I was bawling. Pea pulled me onto his lap and I cried into his chest.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled into to top of my head, stroking my hair.

"It's not like it was you." I sniffled.

"But still." We stayed like that for a little while. It was getting late, night had fallen and Sweet Pea and I were facing each other, laid on my bed, awfully close due to it being a single.

"Can you stay tonight?" I whispered, we can go to school together." I suggested. He nodded slightly, moving a strand of hair away from my hair. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I woke in the morning before Sweet pea as per usual. I slipped out of his grip. I quickly went into my ensuit to get changed. I kept Sweet Pea's shirt on as he suggested, I wore a new pair of fishnets and changed my shoes to black trainers. I walked out to see Sweet pea awake and half naked. I quickly turned around.

"Sorry." I yelped. I heard him chuckle. It was quiet for a second when I felt him snake his arms around my waist and he pulled me into his bare chest, the warmth heating me up making my cheeks go pink. He left a couple kisses on my neck before leaving me, all the heat going with him. He put his shirt on and threw me his leather jacket.

"C'mon we're gonna be late." He smiled, taking my hand and we walked downstairs, knowing my mum wasn't there. We walked a little up the road to find Pea's bike. We rode to school, me hopping off first once we got there. He put it on it's stand on and snaked a hand arund my waist, walking me into school. Everyone was looking, judging, whispering. We walked into the lounge where the rest of the group was.

"Oh my god." Kevin gasped.

"You're official?" Ronnie smiled. She smiled brightly at me. Archie gave me a weird look. I looked up to Sweet Pea and he was glaring at Archie.

"Got a problem, Red?"

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