Some things take time

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The wait was killing me, if I lose her... I'll lose myself. "Steve" A woman voice came from behind me "Wanda" she came in for a hug, i hugged her as if she was the only thing i have left "I'm scared Steve" she whispered in my hear "Me too, me too" tears fell from both our eyes "where's Bucky?" Wanda asked breaking the hug "I- i think he left... He couldn't handle the stress" "wow, that...that Asshole! He did this! He did this" she broke down and fell on the ground "Wanda, Wanda" i said and bend over to hug her and get her up "Steve" she sobbed "she didn't deserve this" "i know", i could feel everyones eyes on us after that, i could feel how bad they felt for us and they had a very good reason too.

The night passed it was maybe 4:00am i haven't slept for like 2 days from anxiety and just simply Heartbreak, i was scared you could say lost, Natasha was my map the one that got me to my right head and i don't know what i would without her.
"Steve!" Someone whispered yet yelled "Miss Romanoff! What is it?" I run to her worried "It's nat, she out of surgery" i felt relieved but yet still had that worried thoughts "is she ok?" I asked "the doctors say, she had this Injured lung that they didn't see before, so that's why she collapsed, but she currently in a coma, not clue when she'll wake up" i was scared but i was, yes, maybe she is in a coma but at least her heart is betting and she's breathing.

It's been a few now, Nat still hasn't woken up, i went to school and then straight to the hospital everyday, i talked to her like she was there, like she's listening, it wasn't easy balancing School and nat together but i did i could, graduation is in two months, i just hope she'll be up by then, she still has to fill up college applications, she still has so much to do, she's only 17 she had her all life just waiting to be build.

It's night time right now, time for me to go home, do my homework, me and miss Romanoff had a dill i can come anytime any day as long as i do my homework so it was that time.
I went back home. My mom was making Dinner while my dad was at his home office working and Wanda she was making her school project "hey mom" i said going up the stairs "hey sweetie! Any news today?" She yelled "no, same old thing" Wanda slammed her door, i could feel that talking about Nat was hard for her.
I went downstairs after placing my belongings in my room. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge interrupting my mom a bit "oh Steven" "sorry, sorry I'm leaving" "dinner Would be ready in about 20 minutes!" "Ok I'll just be in the living room watching tv!". I entered the room and i gotta jumped by Dodger, he knew something was bothering me, he was always trying to cheering me up after i came from the hospital "Steve!" My mom yelled from the kitchen, i run over "What? Is dinner ready already?" She was holding the phone "It's Natasha, she's up" my eyes lit up, i toke my coat and left the house as fast as i can.

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