Those 3 little words

373 11 2

Steve pov.

The room went dead silence after that knock, Natasha held my hand tightly "D...Dad?" Natasha said "Hey Honey" he just stood there and smiled like nothing happened, like he wasn't gone for years like the family he once had was complete once more.
Natasha had started to tear up, her mother was still in shook, nobody reacted, the tension broke when the doctor came in "Miss Romanoff, we would like to do more test" the doctor looked around "Oh i apologize if i interpreted" "No it's ok" i said because no else responded, two nurses came in and toke Nat away, i went outside to wait while her parents were in the room, i heard Nat's yelling and crying and i wasn't surprised after what they've been through when he was gone.
I felt a hand touch my shoulder i turned around it was Bucky "Bucky? What are you doing here?" "I wanted to check on her, how is she?" He couldn't even look at me "What do you care? Wasn't she your girlfriend?" He looked down "tell me something, did she ever meant anything to you?" I said almost yelling "She... She, i just wanted to piss you off" he looked at me finally "what?" I was so surprised form the answer, he was my bestfriend "You always had the perfect girl, the perfect grades, your team captain man, you got everything! I wanted some too" he seemed to almost tear up "Bucky, you're my best friend, there's nothing i wouldn't do for you! If you ever need help with school you know you can come to me! And there isn't such a thing as "The Perfect girl" you need to find a girl that you like, that when you look at her you see a future, you see love" "you see that with Natasha?" He asked, toke me a minute to think but the answer was already clear "Yes, i do see that with Nat" i smiled "Then tell her yourself" he pointed on Something behind me, i turned around it was Nat "Nat what are you doing out of your bed?" "You really see that Steve? With me? With all my damage and past?" She teared up "Yes, yes i do" she hugged me so tight and whispered 3 word that i would never forget "i love you...." "Nat!" Her mom broke the moment and called for her "I have to go" "but I didn't say it back" i said worried "say it later lover boy" she smirked and left.

Meanwhile i went to the cafeteria to get some food, Bucky was still at the waiting room, "hey Buck, what's up" i walked in, he had a worried look on he's face "Steve, it's nat, sh- she collapsed, the doctor don't know what happened" he was in shook, i left the food and run to her, the doctors were carrying her to the surgery room, i run and tagged along with the bed as they walked "Nat, Nat please wake up... please" i held her hand "sir this is as far as you can go" one of the nurses said as the passed through the big blue door "Nat!" I said one last time. As the door closed i fell on my kneed crying i was scared "I didn't say it back" i sobbed "i didn't say it back".

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