Will you be mine?

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Steve pov.

I walked up to Nat's room as she told me, i was hoping she'll talk to after ignoring my calls all day and not telling me where she went after what happened in my house, i felt so bad afterwords , i felt guilty i just wanted to clarify things.
I heard her coming up the stairs i was nervous for some reason, she came in and closed the door "What do you want" she toke a sip from her water "I just want to explain please" "You go 15 seconds go" "oh ok umm" "13" "I wasn't good for you" "10" "and and i shouldn't told you to hide i was wrong" "5" "Please i panicked and I didn't know what to do" "Your time is up now go" she stated pushing me to the door "Nat please" "go away Steve" i turned around to her and grabbed her hand "I like you too" i toke i dip breath "i like you too" i said in a whisper, silence toke over the room, i could fell my heart racing faster with every bit i was Afraid of how she would react, she didn't say anything but looking at me for awhile, i couldn't deal with the silence, for the wait i went in and pressed my lips to her, she seemed surprised for a minute but then she kissed me back even with more Passion "Steve" she whispered "what is this?" I pulled away "What do you mean?" "What is this? What are we?" She looked with a hopeful look on her face "we're a thing?" I said in but as a question "Boyfriend girlfriend thing? Or just a couple of friends messing around?"  "What do you want it to be?" I asked knowing the answer "Gf Bf?" "Yeah i guess" i chuckled "I need to finish my homework, talk to you later?" She blushed "yeah, yeah" and i left her house.

I came back home, filled Dodger water bowl and headed to my room until i heard the sound of the TV coming from the guest room, i toke the bat from the garage and i walked slowly to the room, opened the door slowly, i heard the the shower water running, i looked around the room i saw a suitcase, i was confused but still focused, i went to the bathroom door suddenly i opened "Haaaa" i screamed and the person screamed with me "Steve! What the hell?!" "Tony?!" I catched my breath "What are you doing here?!" "You think you mom is gonna let you spend Thanksgiving alone?" "Well why didn't you tell me?" "I thought I'll do a suprise!" "Well you sure did surprised me and nearly gave me a heart attack!".

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