The Weight Of Us

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But still, my head is about to explode with ideas. :p

Here we go again ~

There are thieves, who rob us blind,
and kings, who kill us fine,
but steady, the rights and the wrongs
invade us, as innocent song.
I'm not ready, I'm not ready
For the weight of us, for the weight of us, for the weight of all of us.

There's a cold heart, burried beneath,
and warm blood, running deep.
Secrets - are mine to keep
protected by silent sleep
I'm not ready, I'm not ready
for the weight of us, for the weight of us
for the weight of us, for the weight of all of us

The Weight Of Us - Sanders Bohlke

Chapter 11: The Weight Of Us

I drink my 5th shot of Tequilla, and then I drink 3 more. The bartender lifts an eyebrow and says:"Don't drink too much." I grin and say:"I'm used to drinking this much, don't worry about me buddy." I drink my 9th shot and start to feel a little bit tipsy. I walk towards the dance floor and immediatelly start dancing, when I hear Tiësto's Wasted blasting through the speakers. I put my hand in my hair and start dancing as iff my life depends on it. I don't want to think about anything but the feeling I have right now. Being wasted is the best thing for me, I don't think before I do something. At this rate I didn't care iff I might get a major hangover. A guy stands beside me, and we start dancing together. He smirks and I grin and start jumping up and down. Tonight it's all about forgetting everything that hurts you.

2 Days Ago...

I look at Peter and say while my voice is starting to rise:"Listen, I know what I'm doing. Mind your own business." He sighs and says while leaning against the wall:"I'm telling you that you're making a big mistake. I know the Alpha pack's leader, his name is Decaulion. And he doesn't show any sort of mercy. He kills whoever stands in his way, and iff you try to work on his nerves. You'll end up dead in the woods." I growl and shout:"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT THAT GUY! I JUST WANT THEM TO LEAVE!" Peter sighs again and says:"Do whatever the hell you want, but when you're lucky enough to come back alive. I'll be here to tell you I said so." I ignore him and look at the map of Beacon Hills.

I marked many places on the map, I go with my hand through my hair and say:"I need to do something, I don't want Derek to intervene, I don't want to see him getting hurt." Peter shakes his head with a scoff and says:"Fine with me, But you're going to end up dead." I look at him and say:"I don't care, I told you before. I will give up, to protect Derek. No one will hurt him, as long as I'm alive." I clench my hand into a fist and say:"Iff someone tries to hurt him, I'll kill him. Even iff I have to kill a whole pack by myself." I was starting to get really mad, I need to make sure no one will hurt Derek. Since I got to know that Decaulion and his pack want Derek to join them.

Iff he doesn't want to, They'll kill him. Off course Derek doesn't know anything about this, But Peter knows. He helped me these past 2 weeks, Yes Peter Freaking Hale Helped me. Even though we're rivals for a reason I don't know, we still are sort of a family. I see him staring at me, I look at him and say:"What?" He grins and says:"You really are Love him, don't you?" I nod and say:"Off course I love him. What a stupid question is that?" He chuckles and says:"Nevermind, the packs here." I grab my stuff and run towards my room, I put everything benath my matrass. And walk back to the livingroom, to find the whole pack standing there.

I look at them and say:"I need you guys to do something for me." Jackson noddes and says:"What do we need to do?" I hear Liam say:"Are we going to fight?" Stiles grins and says:"I'm glad I brought my bat with me. Now I'm ready to fight." Scott shakes his head and Lydia says:"You're an idiot for thinking that you might, win a fight against a werewolve with a bat." Boyd laughs and Isaac says:"Come on, You need to have claws like this baby." He shows his claws to Stiles and Erica grins showing her fangs. Stiles shakes his head and Malia says:"You call those claws, you need to see mine."

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