Summer Days

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*peter's pov*

the bell rang and I raced out of the school before everyone else, it was finally summer and I got to spend it all with Mr. stark! I looked around and spotted a flashy BMW, I ran forward with a huge grin on my face. 

"hi, Happy!"

I got in the car and Happy took off, heading to the stark tower.


in the elevator, I was thinking about all the improvements I would make on my suit. I finally had access to everything in my lab. 

walking into the lab, my heart fell, Harley was inside, toying with whatever he was building. a scowl formed on my face upon seeing him.

"what are you doing in my lab?" I spat.

"Tony told me that you and I would be sharing the lab."

great, once Mr stark allows me full access to everything I have to share it with this idiot. 

"Well don't touch my stuff, and stay on your side of the lab, don't talk to me, and don't make too much noise."

"jeez, ok what did I do to you?" "you're acting like I murdered your mom."

groaning into my hands I got to work. 

I have to spend an entire summer with this dickhead.

*Harley's pov*

you know, I'm seriously starting to get pissed off by peter. I've been nothing but nice to him, and this is the treatment I get? I just show up and he's already deciding he hates me. 

it wasn't helping my case that I thought he was cute. I kept looking over to study his features. he had sweat beading on his face while his mouth was slightly open. he was sticking out his tongue slightly. Peter lifted his shirt to wipe his face when my eyes widened at the sight of his toned stomach. 

damn! he had abs.

I bit back a surprised sound when peter turned his head, looking at me weirdly. I pretended I wasn't checking him out for the past few minutes.

this is going to one hell of a summer.

*peter's pov*

Mr stark called me down and I got up from my chair to go up. I was pondering about what he could be calling me up for. he never does this.

exiting the elevator I spot him over by the couches.

"hey, Mr stark what's up?"

"kid, why don't you get along with Harley?"

okay... this wasn't the question I was expecting.

"I just think he's bad news."

I refused to tell him I was jealous of all the attention he was getting.

so I really wanted to write more but I don't have time today.

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