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(A/N: I'm back from vacation guys.)

*peter's pov*

I peel my eyes open, shutting them immediately when bright light penetrated my vision. I raise my hand to my forehead and smack it, groaning. we were back in the avenger's tower. I searched through my memories, racked my brain, I couldn't remember what happened or what led up to me being back in new york. the last thing I remember was Harley leaving.


oh right, that's what happened. I sat up on my bed, groaning, I felt my arm pulling something towards me. I pulled the need out of my arm and blinked a few times. on my bedside table, I picked up my phone, the screen read August 18. 

wait, had it been three weeks? I was out for two weeks? or more, I couldn't trust my memory at the moment. my eyes whipped over to the door when I heard the hinges creak. Harley stepped inside, his hair had grown out a little bit. 

"How are you feeling?" Harley asked. I pursed my lips and opened my mouth to speak, "I feel fine but, I need to know what happened to me."

"well in Hawaii after I came back to the house after running an errand, the house was silent and shattered glass was everywhere," Harley took a breath, " you were lying on the ground with blood pouring out of your shoulder from a gunshot wound. 

how did I not notice a bullet coming my way? I mean I should be able to sense it unless something was wrong. I shook my head, "just come over here and kiss me." Harley smiled, walking towards me and cradled my head in his hands and connected our lips. it was the gentlest kiss we've shared. 

he broke the kiss and whispered, "your summer isn't over yet y' know." god I love this boy so, so much. "well then where's our next stop?" his lips pursed in a grin and he replied,



"wait so did you guys find out who was the one who shot me?" I asked. Harley came over to me, "the avengers were quick to find out, the house's security cameras caught one of Mysterio's old crew positioned outside at the time. i nodded and went back to packing.

one of Quentin's lackey's huh? I'd expected them to be smarter, smarter than being able to be taken down by a camera. I had a feeling this wasn't the last we were going to see of them. 

but then the avengers couldn't be wrong, right?

hey hey hey, this chapter wasn't up to my usual standards and uh, at this point I'm kind half-assing this plot.

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