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*peter's pov*

"I love you peter."

my eyes widened, did I hear that correctly? 

I mean it's not like I've never thought of saying it. I guess I was just scared of what Harley would think. I knew how I would answer of course. I've loved him for longer than I would like to admit. as much as I tried to hate him earlier this month, I really couldn't. even when I was a complete dick to him he still tried to be friends with him. you know maybe I'm overthinking things, but that's just what I do best.

I must've been waiting for too long because Harley had this worried, guilty, scared, and sad face all at once. I crashed my lips against his and said, "I love you too harls." 

he let out a breath of relief, a smile making it's way on his face as he pecked me again. 

"once we get off this boat, do u wanna maybe, get in the hot tub? " Harley asked.

I snickered and said, "smooth Harley, real smooth but yes I would love to."

we spent the rest of the time on the ship dancing, eager to leave and go back to the beach house. thoughts running through our heads, mirroring each other.


Harley led me by my hand out to the back, we had already rid ourselves of our clothes. we were both only in our underwear, we seemed no not like wearing our actual swimwear. A giddy smile was on my face and unlidded lust pouring off of me in waves. Harley could sense my eagerness. he pulled me into the hot tub after him, immediately pulling me into a long, sensual kiss. I melded into his chest and pressed harder.  instantly, Harley's hands found their way to my waist, sliding down to settle on the curve on my lower back right above my ass. I let out a throaty a noise, contained by Harley's mouth. he suddenly grabbed my ass and kneaded the flesh through my underwear. I let out a loud moan, he pulled away slightly and I whined, missing the feeling of his lips on mine already. 

"Are you ok with this?" Harley asked, concerned. 

I quickly nodded and pulled his head towards me, while toying with the waistband of his boxers. eager to pull them off but too shy to make the first move.  I felt Harley slide the soft fabric over the curve of my ass, I helped him get them off and tossed them out of the tub. he smiled at me and kneaded my ass without the irritable cloth barrier. I let out a long, continuous string of moans and gasps. my skin electrified with sensation. 

I shyly pulled his boxers down slightly, he wrapped his hand around mine pulled them down even farther. 

"you don't need to be shy peter, I want to," Harley reassured. 

I blushed madly as he pulled them off completely, averting my eyes.  

I parted from him, staring at his slightly puffy lips slick with glistening saliva, daring not to look down. I was too inexperienced in this department. as much as I was anxious, I couldn't wait. my blood rushing down, settling down south. he rubbed a hand up and down my thighs, lingering around the place I wanted him the most, but not close enough. I felt like I was going crazy, my spider senses going haywire. I needed him now, and I wanted to make sure of it.

swallowing down my pride, I closed the distance between us.

and the rest was history.


you dirty fucks thought you were getting smut, huh? I aint gonna do that, unless....... I just might, who knows


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