Let Me Hold You

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sweater weather by the neighbourhood

*peter's pov*

"is there anything you want to tell me ?"

I turn my head to look at him, I stay silent for a moment and whisper, "yes."

I turn back to look at the skyline, this was perfect, I was with the boy I liked on a rooftop at night holding hands. I may have looked cool on the outside but I was internally screeching. 

"is there anything you want to tell me?" I murmured. 


we both look at each other at the same time, my heart rate slowly speeding up. getting closer, and closer I flicked my eyes towards his lips for a split second and when I flicked them back up Harley closed the gap between us.

*Harley's pov*

I crashed my lips on peter's and he let out a small gasp. my heart was flying out of my chest and peter started to shyly kiss back. he seemed unsure about what to do but was excited at the same time. I cupped his face in my hands and his hands found its way around my neck. I started to kiss him harder, with more and more passion. \

we parted for air for a split second and I immediately pulled him back, him letting out a cut off "ah!" after another ten seconds of making out we finally pulled apart, resting our foreheads against each other. just breathing heavily and catching our breath. 

"That was intense," peter laughed.

I smiled at him and said, "We must look really cliche right now."

he laughed that beautiful laugh of his and said, "I think it's our specialty."

I pulled peter into my lap and rested my chin on his head, just staring off into the skyline.


"hey so what are we?" peter asked after five minutes.

"well I would like you to be my boyfriend but I want to make it special."

"isn't this special enough?"


I don't know when but we eventually fell asleep holding onto each other and our hearts full.

you know as I was writing this I think I rushed things a bit. just tell me what yall think. I won't change anything yet.

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