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*peter's pov*

I ran across the soft squishy soil, feet leaving the ground as soon as it touched. I launched myself up and I was suspended in the air. the weightless moment was always the best, then I fell. 

I hit the water, bubbles floating all around me and I broke the surface to take a breath. I heard a crash right beside me and I pulled Harley up, laughing as I gave him a peck on the cheek. "that's all I get?" he pouted. 

I sighed and pulled him back, this time I connected our lips, arms winding around his neck. Harley hoisted my body up and I wrapped my legs around him, locking my ankles. he grasped my ass in his hands and I pulled away to rest my forehead against his. he pushed his lips towards mine and I pulled away, a smirk pasted on my lips. "fuckin' tease," Harley murmured. I giggled and his eyes were glued on my lips. I licked them sensually as he pressed his lips against mine again. 

he littered soft kisses around my jawline, my neck, and my forehead. "your so beautiful peter," Harley whispered. I gazed into his eyes and examined his face, the sunlight was glinting off his skin and illuminating his eyes. I ran my eyes all over him, memorizing every piece of him as if I'd never see him again. he parted my lips with his and started sucking on my bottom lip, I moaned and captured him in a deep, hot kiss dripping with lust. his grip tensed on my ass and I let out a groan, feeling my arousal begin to stir. he introduced his tongue into my mouth, I met it with mine and they swirled around each other, i shuddered and gripped desperately onto his shoulders. he stroked my ass even more, squeezing the flesh through my shorts. "it's probably not a good idea to get it on in here," Harley laughed. I looked around and spotted a family coming towards us.

I quickly scrambled out of his grasp and almost slipped. "yeah true if we continued for ten more seconds I probably wouldn't be able to control myself. " 

"let's go back up on the cliff." I nodded my head and climbed the rocks back to the top. "ok don't be mad at me," Harley said, "we can't hang out today I have somewhere to go to do something... important." my heart sank, what did he mean he had to take care of something important? horrible thoughts raced through my mind but I quickly shut them out. he doesn't have to hang out with me 24/7. he had a pained expression on his face, or more annoyed actually. no that's ridiculous he'd never.

but I couldn't help but  think he would. 


*Harley's pov*

I walked towards the place with a heavy heart. peter seem, distant, I really hoped he wasn't overthinking things. I love him with my whole heart but I hated this about him. I had to work so hard to gain his trust but I still haven't gained it after all this time. I ground my teeth and clenched my fists as I walked in. "do you have the package?" I demanded.

the man turned around, "I do." 

aye aye so i'm just going to update before i go on the cruise. 

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