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*Harley's pov*

I raked through my closet, trying to find the perfect suit to wear to the party we were attending later. my eyes settled on a sapphire blue tuxedo jacket, white dress shirt, and matching blue trousers. perfect. I sifted through the drawer for the same color bow tie and shoes. I checked myself out in the mirror, I couldn't wait to see what peter picked. I adjusted the lapels on my jacket.

I walked out of the closet (A/N: lol physical closet and metaphorical one) and sat on the couch. I scrolled through my messages from my friends back home. I looked up when I heard footsteps approaching me. Peter was standing in front of me, and hot damn he looked amazing. he was wearing a black shirt tucked into black trousers and matching tuxedo jacket and shoes, topped off with a gold necklace. his face was flushed as he fumbled with the hem of his jacket. I grinned at his nervousness.

"you look amazing," I offered. 

"Really?" Peter asked.

I didn't answer, I just pecked his lips and pulled him closer to me. we got into the car Tony lent us.

"Friday, take us to the harbor."

the car started and I reclined the seat, taking peters hand in mine, I traced circles with my thumb on the back of his hand. Peter was looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"like what you see?" I teased. 

Peter snorted and said, "yeah you look great harls."

we arrived at the dock around thirty minutes later. we were led onto the ship and into our private dining room. there was a window where you could see the stage. once the ship started to sail we were served our first course.

"so peter, how was your summer so far?" I asked

he seemed to ponder this question for a while, finger tapping against his chin jokingly.

"Remember when I first met you, and I hated you?" Peter laughed.

"yeah, you never told me why."

he appeared guilty, "well when Mr.stark introduced you as an old friend of his that will also be an intern, I got jealous and I assumed he wanted to replace me with you." 

Peter bit his lip and averted his eyes. "hey peter look at me."

he looked up, "you will never be replaced, you're too special and valuable to be replaced and anyone who can't see that must be blind," I reassured.

a pink flush settled in his cheeks and he responded, "thanks."

I smiled at him and popped some crab into my mouth. 

"you never answered my original question," I teased.

"oh, um, my summer is great," Peter blurted.

"Great, that's it?" I said in a fake offended tone.

Peter rolled his eyes, "yes it was just great."

peter ate a hunk of bread and asked, "by the way how did you and Tony meet?"

oh boy, do I have a story to tell. "I could ask you the same question."

peter's face turned white, I took this as a sign to not press further. 

"so it happened when-"


there was slow music playing outside. I looked towards Peter and asked, "do you want to dance?"

"yeah sure."

I took peter's hand in mine and we made it out of our dining room and onto the common area. I placed my hand on peters lower back, and he slid his hand up my arm and rested it on my shoulder. we started swaying to the music, gazing into each other's eyes. 

"I love you peter." 

peter's eyes widened. 

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