A New Beginning

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*peter's pov*

"But why do you have to leave?" I cried, hauling Harley's suitcase out of the trunk of the car. Harley came around the car, a saddened expression on his face, "it's the end of summer, I have to go back to Tennessee, school is starting soon." he grabbed my face wet with tears, " you'll be ok, we'll facetime every day." 

but it wasn't enough, it wasn't ever enough, I needed him by my side every day. over the course of a few months, I've gotten so attached to him. I pressed a hard kiss on his mouth, eyes squeezed shut as more tears ran down my face, " damn peter why do you have to make this so hard?" Harley choked out. I didn't say anything, just held his face in my hands and stared into his eyes, memorizing the pattern, memorizing every little detail about him, everything I love.

"I'm scared Harley, "I choked on a sob, "I'm scared that this will be the end, due to long distances apart, afraid we will drift." Harley shook his head, "no peter, it's not the end- it's only a new beginning."

he rolled his suitcase to the door, crying, and waved farewell to me, I stood there, hands numb as I watched him go, losing sight of him in the sea of people. I received a text, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, expecting a text from Harley.

I was confused when it was from an unknown number. my eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands, it was a photo of Harley's flight. the text read:

Hey, spiderman! guess what, we hijacked your little boyfriend's flight. he and all the rest of the people are going to die tonight and there's nothing you can do about it.

I spun around, shooting a web and launching myself towards the terminal.

hoping, just hoping, I would make it in time. 

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