Let me get this shit off my chest

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S0 hahaha one thing about Wattpad I fucking hate is the Asian fetish.

Specifically, how if there's an Asian character in a book they're always Korean and always look like kpop singers.

News flash asshats, most Koreans don't look like kpop stars. And other Asian's exist too. You can't claim to be diverse and use that type of shit. We're not your fucking fetish.

And when Asian eyes are teased all the damn time but when Bella Hadid starts "fox eyes" it's suddenly and trend? I have to fucking laugh. Fuck you.

Reverse racism does not exist. The oppressor cannot be oppressed.

Heterophobia does not exist.

Also, what's the deal with biphobia? Like I hate when gay ppl are biphobic and say that they're greedy and can't choose a gender.

You, of all people should know how it feels to be oppressed. The LGBT community does not claim you if you're biphobic or transphobic. You are not fucking welcome in our community.

There's barely any diverse books here on wattpad.

All the characters fit these exactl fucking descriptions.

White, dark hair, blue eyes, muscular

White, Blond hair, blue eyes, muscular

White, Brown hair, green eyes, muscular

White, Brown hair, hazel eyes, muscular

Give me some books with characters who are actually realistic and portray the real internal struggle of LGBT people. I'm sick of straight girls fetishizing gay men.

I'm also sick of straight men fetishizing lesbians.

Straight girls, stop saying you need a gay best friend, or refer to someone as your gay best friend. Stop that shit, they are not OBJECTS. They are not ACCESORIES to critique your outfits. You're also creating harmful sterotypes about gay men.

They are fucking people and should be treated as such.

Give me books with south Asian or middle eastern characters please. They're so underepresented.

And stop with the same exact bxb plots I see over and over again.

Bad boy, nerd. or jock, nerd. oh shit unlikely pair huhhh??? and the jock/ bad boy is 'straight' well they somehow interact then become fast friends and go to a high school party where some shit happens. Oh no they ignore each other then make up. Oh shit hahah they have feelings now. Oh shit hahah they kiss and whoop the straight boy is now bi or gay hahaha.

Give me some variety. I'm sick of this shit.

I don't care who the fuck I offend. If you like this boring vanilla bull then good for you don't try and comment.

I'd like to see a well thought out plot with characters who aren't white.

One book that met all my expectations is screen burn by chasingavenues. that book has a very diverse cast of characters and actually portrays the characters that show their real internal struggles as people. It speaks out about the topics of racism and homophobia.

I recommend reading it.

Also, stop stealing from cultures and making it a trend.

Like when white people wear their hair in protective hairstyles and complain when their hair falls out.

I can't exactly speak much on that topic, since I'm not black. If anyone reading this is, go rant in the comments as much as you'd like about cultural appropriation.

I fucking hate when I see white ppl taking these patterns on some of our ceramics or paintings and print them all over clothes and shit to make a cheap buck.

You know what those are, the 'dragon print' or 'china print' shit you see all over. I'm sick of it.

When I see our traditional dress, the qipao being sexualized and used as a trend, or a style of clothing I get so mad.

Btw there's pants thats supposed to go with it. fucking wear it.

Oh shit right and when white girls wear them as a fucking prom dress. Our culture is not your prom dress and fucking research before you decide to wear a dress that has thousands of years of history behind them and not even wear it correctly.

I'm also sick of y'alls impossible beauty standards you push on us. It's not fucking possible for asians to have huge titties or a huge ass. It's also not realistic for normal people either. Don't even get me started on the double eyelid thing. I hate that I feel happy when my eyelids decide to fold up more so I have a double eyelid. That's fucking toxic and I can't erase the programming you've put in my brain.

And the fake ass people right now who are screaming "end racism" and "black lives matter" "protect black trans women"

and during the pandemic, y'all scream "fuck asians" all the damn time. and go hang out with your friend who objectifies women at every turn. Hang out with your friend who was accused of rape. You're straight friend who uses the word "fag" or "dyke" "tranny" and whatnot.

Just shut the fuck up.

Why the fuck is it taking so long for the cops who killed breonna taylor to be charged? Like we have the proof, lterally the entire country is agains them and what? Nothing happens. I'm sick of this shit.

I know what it's like to deal with racism. I've exeperienced enough. It's enough to give me PTSD and I can't even begin to imagine what POC go through.

I hear stories of them being pulled over by a cop 3 times A WEEK. And I can't even begin on the never ending list of POC killed by police brutality. And they're just being brushed off. Like they don't fucking matter.

Stop with the all lives matter bullshit. Stop trying to divert the attention from the people who need it the most.

I'm sick of this shit. I'm so fucking sick.

Fuck this country. To all the people about to turn eighteen, vote him out. Vote that fucking hoe out. We're all counting on you to save this country from making fools of ourselves even more than trump already has.

From plunging this country into more chaos and bullshit.


Thank you.

And no one is illegal on stolen land.

When some ppl say go back to my country? bitch go back to yours. Your ancestors aren't from here either. Go back to europe or some shit. I could say the same shit to you.

If you read this far, thank you.

Black Lives Matter. Always have and always will.

We're not just gonna get over it. I will continue speaking on this topic. 

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