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*peter's pov*

the ride up was nerve-wracking, Harley said he had a surprise for me at the top, so of course I was excited thinking what it could be. the elevator dinged, signaling our arrival, I stepped off and into a world that seemed so surreal. Paris at night was beautiful, and I had Harley by my side.

I looked around, confused, " why aren't there any people around us?" Harley chuckled, "Mr. Stark made arrangements to make sure no one was up here at this time, not sure how but he's Tony Stark." I giggled and pulled him towards the lookout, "isn't this breathtaking?"(A/N: insert Keanu Reeves)

"almost as breathtaking as you," Harley replied. I smacked his arms as the blood rushed to my face. "you're too cheesy for it to be healthy." he tried kissing my cheek but I dodged him. instead, Harley grabbed my head and leaned forward, capturing me in a kiss anyways. I sighed and gave in, my eyes fluttering shut. he pulled away while I was about to get some tongue action in. "though this is nice kissing you wasn't the main reason I brought you to the Eiffel tower." Harley stated. 

I gasped and choked on my saliva when I saw Harley pulling out a black box and getting down on one knee. tears were brimming my eyes and he recited, 

" peter benjamin parker, I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring us many rainbows, I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect, or that life will be easy," he inhaled and started again, " I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love for a lifetime, I can promise that I'll always be there for you to listen and hold your hand and I'll always do my best to make you happy and make you feel loved."

"I actually can't breath right now harls oh my god," I cried. 

"there's still more," Harley replied, "I can promise you that I'm willing to be your lover, your family, your advisor, your protector, your best friend your everything you could ever dream of because there's nothing I wouldn't do to be able to see your smiling face every day."

"I promise that I'll always stay by your side forever." tears were streaming down my face and Harley slid the ring on my index finger. "uno reverse card harls," I choked out. he laughed and kissed my head, I looked up and pressed our lips together. 

"oh my I can't believe I almost forgot," Harley said, getting down on one knee again, "will you be my boyfriend?" wait, huh? "we never made things actually official so this is it, at least if you want to," Harley replied, hesitantly.

"you dumbass, of course, I'd love to, after all this time!" I laughed and Harley picked me up, planting kisses on my forehead while I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"you wanna finish what we started this morning?" Harley whispered in my ear. I shivered, and smirked at what he was implying,


A/N: guys ok so I'm not feeling like writing smut, so if anyone wants to do it for me than much appreciated. it just has to be pretty kinky lmao. but if not ill write it when I get motivation. 

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