Spill pt.2

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*peter's pov*

"oh, that's cool I'm gay."

we both looked at each other and a weird sensation coursed between us. it was unexplainable but it felt nice. 

"We should probably go to work on our suits now."

"Yeah, we've postponed that project for so long now."

 getting up and walking to the lab I accidentally brushed my hand against Harley's. I could feel him shiver beside me. I smirked a little to myself and thinking about what could happen in the lab all alone


nothing, absolutely nothing.

my mind was drawing a blank, I couldn't figure out how to do anything. I needed my spider suit to be compatible with the Vibranium lining but it wouldn't work no matter how hard I tried. tears were threatening to pour out of my eyes. I fought them best as I could since Harley was sitting three feet away from me.

"you know what I need a break."


jogging out of the lab I went up to the rooftop to stare off into the city. breathing in a long breath, I allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts. weirdly, they mostly consisted of Harley. I had no idea when I started to warm up to him. I recalled all those times when I would look at him for longer than necessary, where I would hold him tight in a hug, where I was so carefree and happy. ever since I was bitten by the spider, and became spiderman, I never felt like this. the burden I had to carry was too heavy, but maybe this could work, right?


loud footsteps echoed across the concrete, turning my head I let out a relieved sigh when I saw who it was.

"hey, harls."

he returned a smile and sat down beside me.

"How are you not scared of falling off the edge?" Harley laughed.

I pondered my answer for a bit, "sometimes I feel as if there is nothing left to fear, and sometimes I feel everything is to be feared."

Harley quirked his brow at me.

"when you have to do the things I do, you get used to it."

"what do you do?"

"it's complicated."

he sensed that I wouldn't elaborate and didn't ask any further questions which I was thankful for. 

I could still feel his eyes on me so I turned to see him looking at me with a sense of longing. 

there seemed to be this energy, pulling us closer, inch by inch. his fingers curled around mine and i looked down at our interlocked hands. 

"is there anything you want to tell me?"


do you get the reference above?

I'm sorry for not being able to update, I've got exams and this dumb competition I need to do so updates will be very sporadic. 

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