ol' Web Shooter

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*peter's pov*

"OK, I have a project for both of you to complete this summer!"

I groaned, Mr. stark has been doing these things to try and get them to get along. news flash, you can't force anyone to get along with someone. but I was curious about what he wanted us to do.

"I want both of you to completely redesign the iron man suit and spiderman suit however you wish!" "You can change the colors, make any extra bits and pieces."

"fuck yeah!"


I heard steve yell from another room, how can he hear me?

I looked over to Harley, seeing he had the same excited grin on his face. he loves fangirling over my suit and web-shooters. we both bolted to the shared lab to get started on the blueprints. 

"Friday, bring up everything you have on the iron man and spiderman." 

the hologram pulled up in front of our faces.

"ok Harley, you work on the iron man suit and I'll work on spiderman's suit."

Harley pouted and whined, "but I wanna work on the spidey suit!"

I gave him a sharp look, effectively shutting him up. he turned to modify the most recent design. I looked at his face, his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth, a few stray curls on his hair falling on his face.  

wait, why am I observing him? he's hot for sure, but he's an asshole and Mr starks been giving him so much attention lately and it's like he has no time for me. he's just bad news and I know it. 

returning my attention to designing the suit, I decided what colors I should do. I decided to experiment with black and blue, I've never done it before and it's a cool color combination. 

*Harley's pov*

this seriously can't be happening! I'm designing a new iron man suit! I've decided that it should be red and silver instead of gold, and the arc reactor piece glows yellow. the suit is nanotech so I'll make it so it fits whoever wears it, you know, just in case I want to wear it or something. I also took inspiration from visions stone in his forehead, I just thought it would be cool to put that there.

*TiMe sKiP bRoUgHt To YoU bY tHe MufFin mAn*

man, I'm starving, it's 1:20 so it's probably a good idea if we head out to eat.

"hey, peter you want to go out and grab a bite?"

"yeah sure let me just save my design and change."

I was really surprised when he accepted my offer, but I was happy because I do not want to have any beef with him. tony keeps telling me he's a great guy, it just takes time for him to warm up to me.

he came back looking like a whole damn meal, he was wearing a tight white shirt where you could see his straining abs, a black bomber jacket, black ripped skinny jeans, and red converse. his hair was effortlessly messy and it was doing things to him. 

"Since your new to new york, there's this place I want to take you to its really good."

"Sounds fine to me."

I walked behind him and may or may not have been checking out his perky ass. 

we arrived at the cafe quickly we were quickly greeted by a waitress. she immediately ran forward to us.

"hey, peter you haven't been in a while what's up?"

"I'm doing great."

she looked over at me and said, "and who is this?" "your friend, boyfriend?"

peter's face turned red instantly and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"no, oh my god he's only another intern for stark!"


"oh, that was the best pizza I've ever had!"

Peter smirked and said, "told you it was really good."

we walked back to the tower pretty quickly.

" Friday play the immigrant song."

"oh, I love ac/dc!"

I shot him a weird look and turned to focus on my design as music played in the background.

*peter's pov*

"Hey, Harley I'm going to run some errands, ok?"

he mumbled something back, along the lines of cool. rushing to my room I slipped on my Spiderman suit and swung around the city looking for crime. after swinging around for five minutes I couldn't find any crime, sighing I sat on the roof, staring off into the lights of new york. he was really enjoying the sight when he saw the unmistakable glow of the iron man arc reactor flying towards him.

"hey, Mr stark what do you need?"

"it's actually me, Harley tony wanted me to look for spiderman." "he wanted me to tell you to get your ass back to the tower and have dinner."

harley flew back to the tower before peter could ask why Mr stark let him use the iron man suit. he sighed, swinging back to the tower.


I'm going to make an illustration of the black and blue spiderman suit because im an arTIst. and damn ive never written so much like 813 words?!?!

-the author

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