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Time for an update
And thanks for your patience my fellow readers i am really sorry i am currently studying but i'll do my best to update
Ah other thing, this fanfic is dark...sasuke will be kind of abusive and forceful so please don't be upset its just for the plot
Here we go

Sasuke was now staying in his new office, the Hokage's office. Since he killed naruto and all his team, he is now the strongest ninja alive, none dared to face the ruthless uchiha.
He, along with his team taka started their business, he has acquired karin to take care of the rebuilding of the uchiha clan's mansion.
As for jugo and suigetsu, they were keeping order along inside the village.
However, as sasuke was trying to finish his paper work, his mind was only drifting to a particular bluish inky haired girl, that her silhouette managed to appear before his own eyes.
Those pale orbs that were focusing while healing him.
He can't even forget how her touch was so gentle.
A week has passed since she healed him, and he started his own mission in changing the shinobi world.
He gave her a paging device so he was able to request her anytime.
However up till now, he didn't.
Sasuke let out a sigh when jugo has noticed the new hokage's spacing out.
"Is something that matters, sasuke" jugo asked
Sasuke shook his head.
He can't focus, he can't sleep, only his mind was filled with one thought...the hyuga.
For three days, he was up all night, thinking about her, and only one thought was crossing his mind, he wants to be with her, in what way, he still doesn't know, only what he knows is he wants to go and see her, approach her and talk with her.
Then his mind drifted to another thought, he had never experienced such feeling before, he doesn't even know how to approach a girl... as for the uchiha, all girls actually were the ones to approach him, but this time its different, he got to be with her somehow, for the ruthless uchiha, who was never merciful inside the battle field, yet so confused on how to approach a girl he thinks he wants to be by her side.
And why was the hyuga in particular he wanted to approach...a thought that made him insane.
Maybe because her gentle voice?her undeniable beauty? Her who looked like Mikoto?
All of these reasons are applicable, definite answer.
He just felt the urge to see her again.
Sasuke scoffed when he felt he is losing his mind.
He stood up and decided to go for a walk.

The wind ruffling her long bluish hair, hinata was standing in front of Neji's grave.
She was on her knees, her hands were touching and her eyes were closed, but tears still streamed down her face.
Hinata was praying for neji's death, crying for what had happened since most of the shinobi's died by the hand of the ruthless uchiha.
Hinata was disgusted by herself...she was so weak, scared and worthless...she wanted to fight but she can't...sasuke would kill her so easy..she is no match for the uchiha.
She doesn't even know how to feel anymore, part of her was so mad at herself for not being able to fight, for freezing when she saw his black orbs staring at her, and above all, she healed him, because she was oppressed and scared.
Another part of her was telling her that he did spare her life, yet, she doesn't know wether it added to her hating him or feeling grateful.
Hinata finished her prayers, and stood up.
All of a sudden she felt as if someone is watching her, she activated her byakugan but she could see none.
Hinata sighed, deactivated her byakugan and started walking towards the village center.
She entered a café.

Sasuke was watching hinata intently, since he had spies here and there, their mission was to keep a close eye at the hyuga.
They told him she was at the graveyard, something sasuke knew, hinata goes to the graveyard at one pm, precisely , then she heads to the same cafe to order cinnamon rolls, and coffee.
Those little things he knew about the hyuga, she also loves to garden, And she loves color red and flowers.
All these things he knew because he kept a close eye on her.
When sasuke saw hinata enters the cafe, he decided to grab such an opportunity and not to be just a watcher.
Sasuke sighed and entered.

Hinata was reading a book, waiting for the waiter to come over and take her order.
She was so focused on the book that she dismissed the uncomfortable silence when a certain raven head entered the cafe, and everyone was staring in awe as the ruthless hokage made his way inside and stood at her table.
However, hinata felt a certain shadow above her, she raised her eyes up, to find that black cloak, raven hair, head band and a black orb with a rinnegan starring at her.
Hinata gulped, the color drained from her face, it was her worst nightmares.
"Sa..hokage..sama" hinata stuttered as she stood up and bowed.
This is the worst thing she got through, she has to bow for that certain person who killed everyone she loved and left her hating herself.
Sasuke took a seat and sat across her.
"You may sit" he ordered when he saw her was still bowing, luckily her eyes were covered by her bangs that showed fear and disgust.
Hinata sat down, the moment was too much to her.
The waiter came.
"May i take your orders"
Before hinata would speak, sasuke said
"Cinnamon rolls for her, dark coffee for me..."
Hinata's mouth gaped, how did the hokage knew about what she was going to order.
However, she snapped back to reality when sasuke said
"A hot day ne?"
"A..ah..."Hinata stuttered
Was sasuke actually talking to her.
"Do you still have your paging device" he asked trying to approach her normally.
"Uh..y..yes hokage sama..." she stuttered
How he loved how she honored his name.
It was for him, pretty turn on, how she was submissive yet, she was so strong...such a weak creature had the effect on the most ruthless ninja, making his mind go insane.
"Great...i guess one of my wounds i need you to check it after we finish eating" sasuke said in stern tone
"...hai..." hinata looked down in defeat, she doesn't want to do anything with sasuke, yet she is forced to.
"Eight pm at my office.." sasuke said
Hinata nodded in defeat.
A while after, the waiter brought their order, sasuke took a sip from his coffee, he stood up and paged the waiter.
"Anything she orders are on me, she must not pay...send her bills to my office, and bring her whatever she wants..." sasuke said
Hinata was staring in sasuke actually paying for her.
As she was going to refuse, sasuke gave her a death glare, she looked to the side with defeat.
She kept her mouth shut.
Hinata saw as the raven head was walking away, she bite her lips until they bled.
Never in her life she felt so weak and unable to do anything.
How dare he? How dare he order her when he killed all her loved ones... is he acting like that because he felt that she owed him her life, because he spared her life he can order her around.
What shall she do now.
She had to follow his the end, now he is the hokage.

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