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Did u miss me 🥰 i studied well so i decided to write again.
Here we go.

Hinata pulled her body up, she felt her soul was drained, she was looking down, her eyes were blank, staring at nothing.
The smell of blood in the air was suffocating, making her nauseous, her purple half kimono and shorts were covered in blood.
The people that she loved blood. Hinata stood by a wall, she rested her hand and throw up.
She doesn't know where to go, or whom to seek, she doesn't even know wether to be grateful for the uchiha that he didn't kill her or be frustrated that he didn't take her life away, since she is alone. All lonely.
Hinata felt herself wobble, but someone's wrapped his arms around her, hinata looked up to see that particular someone's face, he had brown hair, and he was wearing a cloak.
The guy wrapped his hands around her waist, raised her up on his shoulder and walked.
Hinata's mind was too far from comprehending what's happening, she let out a muffle sound, unable to struggle.
"Where are you taking me..." she said but heard no answer.
Hinata left her limp body be held up, her eyes were wandering around watching as sasuke's accomplices were collecting people's bodies.
Hinata felt a tear slid down her eyes down the ground, as she was upside down.

"Jugo, finally you are here..." suigetsu greeted his teammate jugo who was holding hinata up his shoulder.
"Ah...i brought her as sasuke asked..." jugo retorted
"He is inside, karin is trying to tend his wounds but they are fatal, naruto was a tough opponent..." suigetsu said.
"Okay, i'll march... ja ne" jugo said and continued walking until he reached a small building which apparently maybe was there hiding place.
"I brought her sasuke... the ninja in purple you asked me to get..." jugo said as he tried not to drop hinata, he placed her gently on the ground, hinata raised her eyes, she looked at the uchiha's intimidating eyes, she still can remember that moment.
Hinata felt herself shivering.
She looked at sasuke's who was top-less, and a red haired girl with glasses was tending his wounds, he was bleeding profoundly, and wounded fatally.
Sasuke looked at those pale orbs, he knew hinata, not too well, but not too less.
He knew the hyuga, her pale orbs stands, he also remembers how she was called weakling from her cousin, and he sometimes coincidentally saw her training so hard to become stronger and then fails, her determination was outstanding, for sasuke who never remarked anyone's progress, but she was for him, impressive.
Apart from her remarking beauty, that none failed to notice since early days, however all of that were considered a non supportive reasons for sasuke to spare her life.
Why he killed sakura, his teammate, and not the hyuga?
A question was a key to revealing many-things.
Even his teammates didn't know why he spared that particular ninja, apart from normal civilians.
Sasuke's mind drifted to why he indeed spared her.
Was it because of that look she gave him when he swung his katana at her?
It wasn't of a look of begging or pleading, like some pathetic being.
Still the princess got her honor.
Is it that terror? No... was it that spark of light that he always saw inside her eyes, which turned into darkness and hopelessness, like him.
Someone who lost those special people around her, making her frustrated.
Was it that look of suffering he could see, because he knew she lost her mother and was disowned by her father as being a weakling.
All of that, are good reasons for sasuke to spare her, but sasuke knew quite well that wasn't the only reasons, for he, had spared her because he didn't want to kill her.
In the end, now the uchiha can do whatever he want.
Sasuke looked down on the shivering girl, her hands were holding her shoulders, embracing herself, waiting for her fate.
She only wants to be killed painlessly, and without suffering.
Sasuke stood up, karin supported his body a little. He was standing just above her like he formerly did, she looked at him then looked down, she saw as his fist clenched.
She let out a muffle sound.
"Cou...could" hinata stuttered.
"Uha?" Jugo and karin's mouth gaped.
Sasuke still kept his stoic face, however he gave a grin.
"I am not going to kill you...hyuga princess" his tone was sarcastic as he crouched down, placed his thumb and forefinger under her chin, tilting her face slightly up to face him.
He saw as hinata's expression widened, her pale orbs opened in anticipation, and for the first time, sasuke saw that tint of faint lavender color in her eyes.
He could swear that its the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, however, sasuke was still tough guy.
"At least not now..." he continued when he felt he was losing it, he stood up, and marched.
Hinata's expression changed, but none could read, was she glad that he'd spare her, or that he'd kill her, because she can't live with this suffering, yet she feared death.
He sat on his bed.
"Maybe after you make yourself useful and heal me..." he said in mischief tone.
At that, hinata felt a stab in her heart.
Maybe she wasn't that useful after all.
Then her mind drifted again, why did sasuke spared her, sakura is a medic nin that would have healed him, he could have used sakura.
She was willing to do anything for the uchiha, she worshiped the ground he walked over.
Maybe because sasuke doesn't like to be pushed to do something.
He only did what he wanted whenever he wanted.
"" she stuttered but was met by a growl that made her eyes squinted closed
"I don't like to be questioned...hyuga..." he growled.
Hyuga nodded slowly in defiance.
"Leave us..." sasuke ordered his team taka, but karin interrupts
"Sasuke, what if she..." but sasuke stopped her
"She is too weak to even try..." sasuke said sarcastically, his eyes still looking down on her.
Hinata heard those words, she could swear she may cry, but now no tears left to cry.
Those words hurt no more, because she was hopeless...and hopes kills.
The team exited the room.
Hinata stood up, activated her byakugan and started to place her hands on sasuke's fatal wound, to stop the bleeding and semi heal them.
Her hands were so smooth, like feathers touching his broad chest and back, sasuke could swear that her touch was different, gentle yet he can feel that she had her chakra control perfect.
As long as hinata was tending his wounds, sasuke's eyes never left looking at her graceful movements, or her gentle hands, or the chakra flow in her body.
How her eye brows furrowing as she focused, as if she forgot anything, and only focusing on healing.
sasuke had to remark, she is professional.
Hinata finish tending his wounds.
"Where can i find antiseptic and gauze..." she asked and remarkably with no stutter.
Sasuke pointed to the drawer across the room, he saw her walking gracefully, like royalty, indeed she is a hyuga.
The question that crossed his mind was now, why is he almost impressed by her? Involuntary he is watching her like he was being pushed to do so, but it was somehow sweet for him.
Hinata brought the cotton, she turned, her hair flew a little and such detail, sasuke didn't leave it to pass,it was silky and long just like his mother's.
It was appealing to be touched, and played with.
Hinata felt an eye focusing on her, she involuntary flushed and then again sat down by him, she soaked the piece of cotton in the antiseptic and started tending his opened wounds.
She felt as sasuke flinched almost a bit, the sting sensation was bad, she can tell, but what was surprising for sasuke was her gentle voice when she stopped and apologized
sasuke shook his head with his eyes closed.
She was still sincere.
The hyuga is impressive.
She finished wrapping his arms and chest.
Hinata stood up and decided to excuse herself.
But she felt a hand tightly grabbing her wrists stopping her.
"I didn't excuse you..." his voice was sharp
Hinata shivered and looked down
He gave her whats like a paging device.
"This for you, as soon as i contact you, you are obliged to come...." he ordered
"Hai..." hinata said
He squeezed her hands a bit she was going to wince but no voice escaped her lips.
She was far to struggle, she had to comply for who she knew would be the next ruler.
Sasuke smirked then let go of her hands,
He saw her as she was walking away.
Sasuke wasn't predicting that the hyuga would change his life forever.

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