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abusive content, forced sex.

Hinata opened her eyes. The familiarity of the scent and the surrounding hit her.
Hinata was lying on a soft mattress, she knew she was back at the uchiha's mansion.
The scent of the uchiha was all over her, it was intoxicating.
But today was different, she had a new born child between her arms.
It was the new born child, the cursed child.
The fruit of a twisted love, twisted family.
Hinata opened her eyes and looked intently to her newly born child.
Sure he had the uchiha genes, black hair like sasuke, but he had her pale skin, the baby's eye were closed so she couldn't know what color is his eyes.
But she needed not to guess, it would be either heterochromia, dark obsidian or totally pale orbs.
Hinata leaned and kissed the whimpering child on his delicate forehead.
She was still sweaty. She needed shower.
Hinata turned around just to see sasuke was sleeping by her side, he had one hand tangling her long hair that was spread along the pillow.
Hinata rolled over to get to the shower when she felt two black orbs starring at her suddenly.
Hinata yelped.
"Karin said you should breast feed the child when you wake up" he said stoically.
Hinata knows quite well, sasuke is a light sleeper.
He nearly never let his guards down, even when he is around the hyuga.
Hinata nodded, she sat down, gently held her child up, he gave a whimper, hinata looked at sasuke who was still starring at her.
Their gaze was kept for a while, when sasuke sighed and closed his eyes then turned.
He knew hinata wasn't comfortable in showing him how she breast fed her child.
Even though he had sex with her multiple times, but she still wanted to show him that it was never consensual.
Though she loved the roughness, as once hinata was told that struggling during sex has its own pleasure.
Now she believed it, and blame it on the uchiha.
The more she struggled, the more he was rough, the more she loved it.
It was addicting she knew.
Their sex wasn't even making love, it was purely animalistic, driven with lust, which hinata loved alot.
And yes, sometimes lust can has a powerful addiction more than love, for love it can burn out, but lust never.
Hinata pinned her nipples towards the newly born child's tiny mouth, the baby opened his cavern and started sucking her milk.
Sasuke heard the slurping sound, and after a pregnant silence, he broke the atmosphere.
"What we are going to call him.." he asked.
And hinata was taken aback by such question.
What shall she name him? The cursed boy, all flashback memories came, how konoha treated naruto, sasuke and even gaara.
How her clan treated her, would the cursed child be treated the same.
He is the Hokage's son, but still an uchiha.
What if his eyes are pale? Would he be bullied!
Too many thoughts came, they were unnecessary but they already streamed down.
Hinata snapped when sasuke's voice became more stern.
"Hinata hyuga, answer me"
"Eiji... like my deceased cousin..." she said as if she was informing him with the name, not discussing it.
Sasuke didn't answer.
Eiji uchiha, seem an overpowered name.
Hinata waited for sasuke to respond to the name, but he wasn't.
She decided to break the silence again.
"Have you seen his eyes?" She asked
"Hm" he gave a nod.
Hinata waited for him to continue, but he didn't.
She decided to ask again.
"How does it look like..." she asked
"One is black, the other is pale..." he said.
After hinata finished breast feeding him, she wrapped her baby and placed him by his father, she stood up ready to go and get her shower.
As she was walking, her legs were hurting, her opening was hurting, hinata wobbled, but found an unexpected hands supporting her.
Hinata turned and looked into those pale obsidian, that she found peace in his violence, he held her up, and headed towards the shower.
Hinata didn't struggle, she wasn't in the mood for it.
She just wanted to take a shower and sleep again.
Sasuke put her on the bathtub edge, helped her undress then left her to shower.

Three weeks passed by, it was the most exhausting week in hinata's life, add on sasuke's.
If being a Kunoichi or a ninja was hard, tending a newly born child is even much harder.
Hinata couldn't sleep, sasuke though being a harsh person, but he had always tried to help hinata in taking care of Eiji.
Hinata started being more over protective and pushing sasuke away from her child.
She thought he might hurt Eiji, but she was bewildered when actually sasuke was being extra tender with her and his eiji.
He used to help her shower the baby, change his diapers and feed him.
He also used to wake in the middle of the night, when hinata was asleep or even tired, and tried to manage Eiji's loud cries.
Sasuke was even more and more tender with hinata.
He used to prepare her breakfast, and even help her with house work because she was tired tending Eiji.
But again, hinata decided to treat him in the worst ways, but was still met by a surprisingly tender, embracing sasuke.
However, apart from that, karin was right, eiji's existence made everything even better, enlightened the colors inside her heart.
Hinata snapped back to reality, she needs to have a better quality of life for eiji, eiji deserved a loving family, a home, and people who would treat him good.
She can't be selfish again, not anymore.
She needs to stay away from the uchiha.
Even though, sasuke was now a surprisingly good husband and even a better father.
But no, her sense came back, he raped her, he killed all his friends.
Eiji deserved a better father figure, not someone who murdered his friends, and eiji may pay for his father's mistakes.
But where she would go, her mind was twisting.
Then hinata remembered, hanabi, hanabi ran away with kakashi.
She can seek them, she can hide there.
She can ask the sharingan sensei for help.
Hinata decided, she must go away, she must leave.
All the senses had gone away, all the logic.
What if's never existed now.
Such a naive thought but she must do it.
Sasuke is the Hokage, he can get her back, but who cares, she will do it, she'll runaway, she will break free from the Stockholm syndrome.
And after three weeks, now that Eiji was one month old, hinata decided on a rainy day, to runaway.

Sasuke came back home, as he usually did, took of his cloak and boots, calling
"Tadimaa" he said but something was unusually awkward tonight.
The house, it was extra dark, extra silent.
Every night he came and it wasn't that dark, or silent, even though hinata was a hostage, even though he turned out her lights, but still, the shinning tiny light enlightens the house.
His son's whimpers or cries would echo through walls.
Hinata's humming or singing, or the sound of cutting food, or her voice talking to Eiji.
Nothing...he was met by silence.
"Hinata..." sasuke called
He wasn't met by any growl, or huh, or a lame what.
"Hinata..." he called again, no answer.
Sasuke entered inside, looked more, searched, hinata was no where to be found, along with Eiji, until one of the butler came running.
Heaving, and with the most terrorized look in his eyes.
"Sasuke sama...."
Sasuke turned.
"I..i am sorry...hyuga sama had runaway..." the butler said closing his eyes, waiting to be decapitated
But nothing came.
He opened his eyes slowly to find an uchiha, closing his eyes and within a second, his rinnegan opened and with a smirk.
"Fine...let the game begin...hinata" he murmured and by that, he disappeared.

Hinata was running, running as she held her child tightly, nowhere to go, everywhere in konoha belonged to sasuke, none would protect her.
Even the civilians knew she was the hyuga, or now, hinata uchiha, the hokage's wife, the uchiha's weakest point.
Whom she would seek and hide there.
The answer is none.
He killed everyone, and none is left.
Hinata was a Kunoichi, an expert ninja, she can endure severe conditions.
But she needs to turn off her chakra, but she can't, she needs to protect her child.
She remembers, that temple she used to go and pray with her father.
She can seek a shelter there then go to find hanabi and kakashi, maybe she'll find a place, for the sake of her child, start a new life with the sensei and her younger sister.
She was running, she was slower due to her gaining weight, but she still could manage, until all of a sudden, a rope was tied around her ankles, she suddenly tripped, threatening to hit the ground along with her child, but she didn't, a pull force, stopped her, from her collars.
Hinata looked back, it was none other than the uchiha.
He found her, she wasn't surprised, but now she can say, sasuke ignited the fear inside her Again'. After she was a mere non living human being, she is now actually feeling.
Even if its terror, but its an emotion.
She looked into those obsidian eyes and saw that sadistic look, that sadistic smile.
Hinata knew, she knew what would come to her.
The worst punishment ever.
For trying to leave sasuke, she knew how much he can't live without her, now she enraged him more.
Sasuke with no further word, opened his rinnegan and back to his mansion.
Sasuke was pulling hinata by her hair, hinata was wincing.
"KARIN" sasuke yelled calling his comrade.
Karin came panicking.
Her eyes widened when she saw sasuke tugging hinata's hair.
"Take Eiji, Suigetsu and jugo away from the mansion, along with the butler...come back in two hours.." he commanded
"B..bu..." karin stuttered but was interrupted
"Do as i say karin" his voice was stern, mischievous and terrorizing.
Karin held Eiji, then she did as sasuke said.
Sasuke pushed hinata on the ground roughly.
He casted a jutsu to keep the voices and anyone who tries to approach or escape away.
Sasuke then took off his shirt.
Hinata looked at sasuke with fear.
He leaned over and pulled her hair up, hinata yelped.
Then sasuke all of a sudden landed a harsh slap on her face.
Hinata screamed in agony, her lips bled.
He fixed her face again.
"You are my pet...understood..." he snorted
"H..haaaiiii" hinata cried in agony.
He slapped her again.
"Haai what???" His voice was stern
"Haiii uchihaaa samaa" hinata cried.
Sasuke ripped her clothes off, he then tied her hands to a chair, now hinata was lying on her stomach, her posterior was up to the air.
"If you like being a whore, i would treat you like one" his voice was stern.
Hinata was sobbing, then all of a sudden she felt two fingers were inserted inside her opening.
Hinata gave a scream in agony, sasuke started fingering her.
"Say it hinata, you like being treated that way...right..." he said tugging her hair back.
And yes, sasuke was right, but the pain was more so she cried even more when he tugged her hair back and landed a slap on her butt.
"Ha..haaaiiii" she cried as he kept insulting her with his fingers.
Then sasuke dropped her head, and he took out his member, and thrusted inside her tight vagina.
Hinata let out a scream of agony, sasuke kept thrusting from behind. His pace was fast, he was even more rough than always, hinata felt it, as if she was tearing, and she knew she was bleeding.
After sasuke released his seeds.
He left hinata, butt naked, drowned in his semen and blood.
He swore he would rape her in the worst ways, and for hinata, she couldn't be more pleasured.
It was indeed for her, a sick love.
A lion abusing a lamb that no more a lamb, but a masochist who was pleasured by her jailer.

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