Break Time-Sope/Yoonseok

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Top // Hoseok [D]
Bottom // Yoongi [S]

Yoongi has been in his studio working all day, none stop for hours.
The only time he left his room was when he got out to get coffee.
He didn't want any interruptions so he stayed locked in for the day.

It was getting late, but he still continued working. He was determined to have a good amount perfected.
There was a knock on his door.
"Go away." Yoongi replied, he was a little startled from the sudden sound.

The knocks continued.

He finally had enough and got up.
He opened the door to see Hoseok.
"What do you want?" Yoongi was irritated, he wanted to be alone.

"You're still up this late?" Hoseok asked and walked in.
"Stop," Yoongi put his hand in front of Hoseok. "What do you want?" Yoongi asked, he really didn't want anyone with him at the moment. He was too caught up and focused with work.

Hoseok closed the door behind him and locked it.
"I wanna hang out with you." Hoseok simply said and sat on Yoongi's couch.

"Fine." Yoongi sat on his chair and continued working, proceeding to ignore Hoseok's presence.

"You look like you need a break." Hoseok got up and stood behind Yoongi. He ran his fingers threw Yoongi's hair, softy stroking his neck as well.
"I'm fine, don't touch me." Yoongi smacked Hoseok's hand away.

Hoseok chuckled.
"Come on, take a break." Hoseok sat back on the couch.
Yoongi turned his chair around to face Hoseok.

"What do you really want?" Yoongi continued questioning. There was a specific reason why the other wanted to be in the room.

Hoseok smiled and patted the couch, gesturing the older to take a seat.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, lethargically getting and sat down.
He looked at Hoseok, locking eyes.
"What is it?"

Hoseok put his hand on Yoongi's thigh, leaning closer with a smug look plastered on his face.
Yoongi blushed, then nervously smiled.

Hoseok sat closer to Yoongi, there was no space in between them now.
"You look tense." Hoseok subtly slipped his hand under the older's shirt, careful rubbing his back.
Yoongi knew what Hoseok wanted, he became nervous.

"D-don't touch me." Yoongi tried to stay serious, there was no way he was going to stop working to cure this man's horniness.

Hoseok leaned towards Yoongi.
Which made Yoongi lean back, his back pressed against the couch.

Hoseok crawled on top of Yoongi, now towering over him.
"Don't be nervous baby." Hoseok smiled and moved his face closer to Yoongi's.

Yoongi's pale face was now bright red, there faces were so close, they were less than inches apart.
Hoseok pressed his lips against the other's.

Yoongi panicked however he kissed back, he started calming down and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck. Their kiss deepened.

Hoseok rolled on his side, still holding onto Yoongi.
They were laying down next to each other still passionately making out.
Hoseok then slipped his hand in Yoongi's loose shorts, also entering his boxers.
He first felt around his plump ass, giving them a gentle stroke.
He then used his middle finger to slowly enter his tight hole.

Yoongi let out a soft whine, breaking the kiss.
"This is gonna be so fun baby." Hoseok whispered.
Yoongi felt chills run down his spine from the feeling of Hoseok's warm breath grazing against his face.

Hoseok pulled down Yoongi's shorts along with his boxers.

"Get on your knees." Hoseok demanded, the smirk re-appeared.

Yoongi did as told and bent over in front of the other.
He heard the sound of Hoseok's jeans hitting the ground.

Hoseok grabbed onto Yoongi's waist.
He tenderly pressed his lips against Yoongi's back and sucked on his soft skin, leaving a single marking between his shoulder blades.

Yoongi bit his lip.

"Get ready."
Hoseok immediately inserted his dick into Yoongi without warning.

Yoongi gripped the pillow in front of him for composure. The feeling of Hoseok entering his tight hole was overwhelming.

He tried not to moan, but Hoseok suddenly pushed in deeper. Causing Yoongi to arch his back.

"You're tight baby." Hoseok said quietly. He began thrusting gradually, he moved his hips back and forth.

Yoongi cocked his head back, bitting his lip. A loud vulgar sound escaped his lips.

He was so tight around Hoseok.
He gripped the pillow tighter and buried his face in it.

"Mmm, you so warm around me."
Hoseok increased the speed.
Every push entered deep into the other, causing him to move with each movement.

Yoongi tried to muffle his moans, he shut his eyes and let the pillow do the silencing. It wasn't helping much, Hoseok was still able to hear his sinful whines which were pleasing to his ears.

Hoseok gripped onto Yoongi's waist tighter, ramming into him deeper and faster.

Hoseok and Yoongi were reaching their climax already.

Hoseok's thrusts began to get sloppy, the sensation continued building up in their abdomens.

Yoongi pushed his waist back to get all of Hoseok's dick in him, desperately wanting every single inch inside him.

The pace became intense, bodies slamming against each other in pleasure.

"I-I gonna come Hobi ah~"

"Cum for me baby." Hoseok groaned.

Yoongi moaned once he felt himself cum. Ecstasy ran through his body, limping onto the couch from the exhaustion.

He finally climaxed.

However Hoseok didn't.

Hearing Yoongi's satisfied moan made Hoseok harder.
He licked his lips then thrusted aggressively in Yoongi, penetrated deep into him.
Hoseok moaned aloud and finally came.

They started to get more aggressive and serious.
Hoseok pushed Yoongi against his waist, hitting Yoongi's prostate.

Yoongi moaned loudly again, it was muffled by the pillow he was gripping onto.
"I'm need you to yell loudly, I wanna hear you, I need everyone to hear us." Hoseok said softly.

Yoongi nodded, still overwhelmed in pleasure.
Hoseok continued and sped up.
They moaned loudly.
"I wanna hear you baby." Hoseok smiled.
He thrusted harder, which went in deeper in Yoongi.
Yoongi moaned so loud it almost sounded like a yell for help.
Hoseok slightly blushed and got way more aroused.
Yoongi was breathing hard, his cheek against his wet pillow, his hand was almost numb from the tight grip.

Yoongi was getting tired.
"H-Hobi I-I can't."
He couldn't take it anymore.
Hoseok smirked, "Just a little bit more Yoongs." He gripped Yoongi's hips and gave him a few more final aggressive thrusts.

Yoongi moaned aloud again.
Hoseok slowed down.
Yoongi laid down on the couch exhausted.
Hoseok laid next to Yoongi.
"Thanks for the break Hobi." Yoongi hugged Hoseok.
Hoseok giggled and they both fell asleep.

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