Bedtime- Sope/Yoonseok

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Top // Hoseok [D]
Bottom // Yoongi [S]

Yoongi was in bed, ready to go to sleep.
Hoseok laid next to Yoongi.
"Goodnight." Yoongi turned around and pulled the covers over him.
Hoseok went in the covers.
He grabbed Yoongi's face and brought him toward to his lips.
He kissed him.

They made out for a minute.
Hoseok broke the kiss then went on top of Yoongi and looked down at him.
"Hobi, it's late." Yoongi blushed, he tried to turn away and go to sleep.
Hoseok got off the bed.

"Exactly, it's late. Now's the time to get busy." Hoseok said sternly.
Yoongi felt Hoseok's weight on the bed from behind him.

Hoseok pulled the sheets and grabbed Yoongi's hands.
He grabbed them and pinned Yoongi against the bed.
Yoongi gazed at shirtless Hoseok.
"Are you going to be dominate right now? I need some rest Hobi." Yoongi smiled, he wanted to rest but Hoseok had him held against the bed.
"Take off your shirt Yoongs." Hoseok smiled and leaned closer to Yoongi's ear. "Or else you're gonna get it hard baby, not gonna be able to sit."

Yoongi blushed, he felt his heart beating faster, and... His dick getting a bit hard.
Yoongi took a deep breath and nodded.
"Good boy." Hoseok let go of Yoongi and watched him remove his shirt.
Yoongi laid on the bed, he was hesitant.

He heard Hoseok grabbing some stuff from his drawer.
He then walked toward the bed and laid his items down.
"Don't be so hard on me." Yoongi sat and waited patiently on the bed.
"Don't be so pouty. We're gonna get this done, and we're going to have a good time." Hoseok handed Yoongi a blindfold.

"Put it on."
Yoongi gulped and put it on.
Hoseok was being dominate which made him nervous.
He couldn't see anything, he heard the sound of a small chain.
Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hands and cuffed them to the bed.
He felt Hoseok's hand running down his chest.

"Hoseok, don't be too rough on me." Yoongi was still nervous he laid on the bed, feeling Hoseok's hand rubbing down to his stomach.
"No more complaining, now you're gonna beg from now on baby."
Hoseok brung his hand down to Yoongi's pants, he tugged them down.
Yoongi's heart beated faster.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's legs and spread them apart. He cuffed his ankles to the bed.
He got up from the bed and removed the rest.

Yoongi heard Hoseok's clothes fall and hit the ground.
He couldn't see anything, he couldn't move his arms nor legs, he was open and vulnerable, he knew Hoseok was gonna have full access and abuse him.
He got more nervous when he felt Hoseok's weight against the bed.
He felt Hoseok put something in his mouth. It was a ball gag.

"You can beg after I remove this later." Hoseok tied it then caressed Yoongi's face.
"I hope you'll behave well, or else." Hoseok giggled and dragged his tongue across Yoongi's stomach to chest.
Yoongi gulped harder, he wasn't ready.

Hoseok got on top of Yoongi.
He went in quickly, without hesitation, without warning.
"Ahh~!" Yoongi moaned loudly, it was very painful.
He forgot how big Hoseok was, and him forcefully going in made the pain worse.

"You're so tight Yoongs! But it's okay, it'll get better."
Hoseok slowly went in and out.
Thrusting slowly to stretch out and satisfy Yoongi.
Yoongi got chills, the feeling of Hoseok's big cock sliding in and out felt so good.

He couldn't close his mouth, he moaned slowly but loudly.
"I knew you'll feel great baby, now let's speed up a bit." Hoseok leaned closer to Yoongi and worked his hips faster.

Yoongi moaned loudly, the pain and pleasure was so good.
"Now I want to hear you beg." Hoseok reached his hand out and removed the blindfold then the ball gag from Yoongi's mouth.

"H-Hobi, y-you're too b-big." Yoongi whined, desperately trying to close his legs, he couldn't take it.
Hoseok smiled and thrusted in deeper.

Yoongi moaned loudly, he breathed heavily.
Hoseok thrusted faster and harder, that it hit Yoongi's prostate almost everytime.
Yoongi couldnt keep his mouth shut, he moaned loudly, he breathed hard, he also drooled from the satisfaction of the intense pleasure.

His eyes began to water, he loved the pain and pleasure going in and out of him. His face turned red, he knew it felt so good, he kinda felt guilty for enjoying it so much and Hoseok dominating him was so hot and intense to him.

"Ah Hobi~!" Yoongi couldn't help it, he loved the way Hoseok made him feel.
"I know you love it baby, but it's not over yet." Hoseok continued.
They both breathed heavily.
Hoseok went so hard on Yoongi.
Yoongi moaned loudly again.
"H-Hobi, I'm about to s-spill." Yoongi bit his lip.
"Good, hang in there." Hoseok sped up.

Yoongi moaned so loud that it sounded like he was calling for help.
But Hoseok knew he didn't need any help, only his help to continue both of their orgasms.
They both moaned and came on each other.

Hoseok slowed down, he was exhausted.
He uncuffed Yoongi and leaned towards his face.
They gazed intensely at each other.
Yoongi pulled Hoseok's face to his lips.
They made out for a few minutes.
They stopped and Hoseok laid next to Yoongi under the cover.
"Th-that was fun Hobi." Yoongi hugged Hoseok and closed his eyes.
Hoseok smiled and hugged back.
They cuddled to sleep.

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