Office Hours - Vmin

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Top//Tae [D]
Bottom//Jimin [S]

Jimin was finishing up his work, the day was almost over.
He wanted to be done early so he could have some free time.
Then a thought popped up in his head, he thought of his boss, Mr. Kim.

He always thought his boss was hot, he felt wrong feeling that way.
But he couldn't help it, having a crush on his boss might be weird, they were around the same age also. It couldn't be that bad.

Then he thought of something he shouldn't be thinking of.
He had a dirty thought. He felt ashamed for having weird thoughts but he was almost obsessed with him.

He felt his pants become tight, he quickly realized his body was having a reaction to the thought.
I-I can't do it here! Jimin thought, he panicked. I-it'll be quick

He convinced himself and slowly unzipped his jeans.
Right when he slipped his hand in his boxers, the door opened.

"Jimin I need you to st-"
Taehyung's eyes widened, he was shocked to see Jimin like this.
Jimin was flustered, his face turned read from embarrassment.
"M-Mr. Kim, I-it's not-"

Taehyung raised his eye brows,
"That's what they all say." He walked towards Jimin.

"I needed you stay and work a bit more, but I think my plans somewhat changed."
Taehyung smiled and tilted Jimin's face to face him.
Jimin gulped, "W-what? Am I gonna get fired?"

"No, you're still staying." Taehyung bit his lip, "with me." He softly kissed Jimin's lips.

Jimin pulled away, he panicked.
"I-I can't, I'll get my clothes dirty, Everyone will hear me." Jimin was hesitant.

Taehyung tugged down Jimin's pants.
"Its okay, I'll be careful. Also I want them to hear you."

Jimin blushed but nodded.
He was a bit excited that his thought was coming true.

Taehyung pulled his pants down just enough to reveal his full length.
Jimin laid against the desk, his back facing Taehyung.

"What were you thinking of hm?" Taehyung questioned, ready to go in.

"I-I was thinking of y-you actually,
and I couldn't help but try to pleasure myself just from thinking about you." Jimin blushed, he waited for Taehyung's response.

"I'm glad I came in." Taehyung smiled and slowly went in.

Jimin gripped the edge of the desk, biting his lip, feeling every inch of Taehyung going in him.
He softly moaned. Jimin was tight around Taehyung..

"Yell my name, I want everyone to hear you." Taehyung said quietly.
He grabbed Jimin's waist and started thrusted full speed.

The small room soon became loud.
From the sounds of slaps from thrusting, both of their heavy breaths and moans.

The sounds coming from Jimin made Taehyung want more, he wanted to fuck him so hard.

"Ah Taehyungie~! Harder~! Please I want more!" Jimin begged.
He didn't care if he would end up very sore, he wanted this moment to be intense and unforgettable.

Taehyung smirked, he put one of his hands on Jimin's shoulder and pushed in deeper. He then moved in and out aggressively, forcing back in and out.

Jimin still moaning, the pleasure was too much to take.
Taehyung continued thrusting hard.
They were both close but still going.

"I-I'm close." Jimin mentioned. Taehyung didn't stop, Jimin just knew he was going to sore.

After a few more thrusts Jimin came, then Taehyung.
Taehyung pulled out and put his pants back on.

"How'd you like that?" Taehyung asked, he grinned and softly kissed Jimin's jaw line.

"I-I r-really liked it." Jimin pulled his pants up and sat down on the chair.
"Is this just a one time thing?" He asked, he was desperate and in love.

Taehyung smiled, "maybe I'll see you this weekend at my place."

BTS Smuts - A Lot Of Smutty Stories/One-Shots FFWhere stories live. Discover now