Behave - Vkook/Taekook

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Top//Tae [D]
Bottom//Koo [S]

(Contains hybrid... Kink? Idek)
(Koo is a hybrid, dog mix maybe?)
(When I use "pup" I don't mean a child (・_・;) I just didn't want to use "dog" lol)

Taehyung was coming back home from work. The only thought in his head was him hoping Jungkook wasn't in heat at the moment. Everytime he was in heat alone he would get a little too excited when Taehyung arrived home. Like immediately pouncing onto the older and begging for pleasure.

It occurred 7 days a month which was a hassle. Every time he got home exhausted he had to use the remainder of his energy to satisfy the boy. Although there was no doubt that he was in heat that day.

Jungkook laid curled up on the couch.
He was cuddling up around the cushions, trying to sleep. Patiently waiting for Taehyung to arrive home, until he felt a familiar sensation below his abdomen. It was a tingling feeling, he felt himself grow harder and harder by the second. He had no clue why.

"Ah not again I feel weird." Jungkook muttered to himself, looking down at the tent in his sweats. He quickly felt his body heat up, the room felt unusually hot, but that always seemed to occur when he felt this certain way. Jungkook had the need to remove his clothes. And he did.

Gradually, he removed the lower portion of clothes on his body. Only in the sweater the older gave him, which he refused to take off even during these moments of heat.

Jungkook dropped the clothes onto the floor and crawled back onto the couch he previously laid on.

He sat on the edge of his seat with his legs spread wide, he didn't how to satisfy his needs without Taehyung.
So he rubbed his dick against the fabric. He liked the tingly that kept increasing when the rough fabric stroked him. The feeling was nice however, it wasn't enough, he craved more.

Taehyung would punish him for touching himself on the couch, and for removing his clothes. Despite that, Jungkook didn't care, his mind was only focused on a search for pleasure.
He immediately stopped once he heard the door unlock, and instantly knew what he wanted to do.

The pup ran towards the opening door, jumping onto the older.
"Tae Tae!! I'm having that weird feeling again! Please make me feel good please please pretty please." Jungkook begged while wrapping his body around Taehyung's lower portion, burying his face in between the other's legs.

The older was a bit flustered, and he answered, "Calm down baby! Not now I'm tired. Sorry." Taehyung briefly said, he understood that he was in heat but was too exhausted to take care of it. He walked towards his bedroom to rest while the pup followed.

As he slowly laid in bed he felt pressure next to him on the mattress, which was obviously the horny hybrid.

Taehyung ignored his presence and turned away, facing the opposite direction.

Although that didn't stop the younger.
He instantaneously hugged Taehyung from behind, lightly rubbing his hard against the other's back. Desperate to cure his horniness.

Taehyung grew a little irritated, even when Jungkook let out soft whines that were always so pleasing to hear.
"Not now baby, daddy is very tired."

"Ah please daddy." Jungkook continued. His voice sounded breathy, anyone could mistaken it as a moan.
He sounded so eager, he really wanted to be satisfied.

Just hearing the younger's light and breathy voice made Taehyung instantly change his mind. Perhaps he was able to give him what he wanted after all.

Taehyung moved his body to face Jungkook. "Turn around."
The hybrid became excited and did what he was told. He faced away from Taehyung, however he was still needy. He pressed his ass against the older's crotch, hoping for pleasure as soon as possible.

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