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Top // Hoseok [D]
Bottom // Yoongi [S]

Yoongi was laying on the couch, napping.
Hoseok saw him. he smirked, he remembered what he wanted that morning.

He sat down next to him.
"Hi Yoongi." Hoseok smiled and softly rubbed Yoongi's leg.

"Don't touch me." Yoongi said annoyed, he lifted his leg away from Hoseok.
Hoseok giggled and laid next to Yoongi.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked in an annoyed serious tone of voice.

Hoseok wrapped his arm around Yoongi, he then whispered in Yoongi's ear, "Wanna guess what I was thinking of today in the shower?"
Yoongi blushed, "N-no, Hoseok not this, not n-now."

"Guess baby." Hoseok whispered again.
Yoongi shook his head.
Hoseok moved his hand on Yoongi's waist.
"I was thinking of you baby." Hoseok grinned.

Yoongi blushed and gulped, feeling Hoseok's breath on his neck.
Hoseok softly kissed Yoongi's neck.
"Ah Hobi, now?" Yoongi questioned hesitantly.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's face and turned it to face him.
He kissed him softly, he looked at Yoongi's face.
"You always ask that baby, the answer is most likely yes now." Hoseok giggled.
Yoongi was red from embarrassment.
"I-I..." Yoongi got up from the couch,
"I'm g-gonna go." He walked to his bedroom.

Hoseok waited a bit then got up to go with Yoongi. He knew he wanted it.
He open the door and closed it behind him.
"Yoongi hyung~!" Hoseok called.
He looked around the room and saw him in bed.

"Hobi," Yoongi turned to face Hoseok.
"Let's just get this over with." Yoongi sat up, staring at Hoseok from across the room.
Hoseok smirked and slowly lifted up his shirt. "How should we do this?"

Yoongi looked down, he knew how he wanted it but was embarrassed.
Hoseok walked towards Yoongi on the bed.

He pulled down his pants and got on the bed.
He gently pinned Yoongi down against the bed.

"We can do this easy." Hoseok smiled as he pulled down Yoongi's pants along with his boxers.
Yoongi nodded.
He wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck.

"Ready?" Hoseok asked quietly.
Yoongi nodded again.
Hoseok gently kissed Yoongi's cheek.
"Don't be shy, I know it's been a while since last time we did this." Hoseok giggled.

"Hobi, last time was probably only two weeks ago." Yoongi mentioned.
"Feels like forever." Hoseok grinned.
Still hovering over on top of Yoongi, he then slowly went in.

"I'm gonna go easy. Try not to be loud." Hoseok mentioned as he went in farther.

Yoongi moaned softly, trying to do what Hoseok told him to do.
"We don't want to be heard." Hoseok added, beginning to move in and out of Yoongi.

Yoongi bit his lip, while Hoseok built the speed of his thrusts.
"Ah~!" Yoongi couldnt keep in the sounds in, the pleasure was so good.

"I knew you'd like this, you always do." Hoseok smiled, biting his lip, focusing on both there pleasure.

Yoongi turned his head, closing his eyes and breathing heavily while intense sounds came out of his mouth. He was a mess.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's chin and turned it to face him.
He leaned forward to kiss him.
He then lifted up one of Yoongi's leg and threw it over his shoulder.
"Don't complain baby, I know I said easy but sometimes easy isn't fun." He smirked, he continued thrusting in out. The position gave him the advantage to get a better angle.

Yoongi moaned louder, he was building up.
"Hobi ahh~!! I-I'm gonna cum."
"M-me too." Hoseok said exhausted, trying to keep up both of their orgasms.
"C-cum in me Hobi, ah~!" Yoongi begged, he gripped the sheets almost on the verge of spilling.

They both came. Hoseok breathed heavily and pulled out, laying next to Yoongi.
Yoongi hugged Hoseok, tired.
"Was it good baby?" Hoseok asked, he hugged Yoongi back. Both cuddling.
Yoongi nodded.
Hoseok giggled then closed his eyes, he knew they were a mess but didn't care, all he cared right now about was Yoongi.
They cuddled up and went to sleep.

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